AQ Work Group Telecons

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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The ESIP AQ Work Group is currently meeting every other week. These calls alternate with the GEO Architecture Implementation Pilot AQ Working Group's telecons; you can find their telecons here.

May 15, 2009 Telecon

1:30pm EDT
Phone: 866-489-0573;
Meeting Code: *2279431*

Topics (feel free to add an item to the agenda):

  • Stresa debrief
  • Daavid: UIC injected new energy; activity plan; user classes to help potal functionality
  • How might ESIP-AQ respond to the GEO Call For Proposals?
  • Planning update on summer meeting


  • Brand Niemann
  • Carol Meyer
  • David McCabe
  • Phil Yang
  • Stefan Falke
  • Erin Robinson
  • Glynis Lough
  • Rudy Husar

Previous Calls