AQCluster Telecons 14Mar08
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
- GEOSS AI Pilot (George Percivall, OGC) Stefan Falke (Sfalke)
- If we have time, continue the discussion initiated by David McCabe on organizing AQ Cluster "home page"
George Percivall
Carol Meyer
Erin Robinson
Howard Burrows
Don Sullivan
Rudy Husar
Stefan Falke
Terry Keating
Frank Lindsay
Key points since GEOSS AI Pilot Workshop in early February:
- GEOSS Secretariat is created a process paper for portal, clearinghouse and registries for Pilot
- Call for Participation to be released after that process paper is published (late April at earliest)
- Kick-off probably not until September
- Want to focus on augmenting operational systems by implementing to persistent exemplars
- 2007 focused on demonstrating capabilities
- Likely to have multiple GEOSS portals and clearinghouses; one instance of registry
- Can air quality community provide persistent services for GEOSS pilot
- how can GEOSS pilot help AQ community find a process for achieving persistent network
- CFP would identify a specific decision making entity (in agency)
- but can have parallel threads that enables diverse users of architecture
- Terry: sending email to European partners for feedback on scenario
- Frank: DoD smoke product (global) for which he will provide information as possible input to pilot
- Look at integration of multiple local data sources with global sources
- Need to continue promoting multiple use cases for AQ architecture pilot