AQCluster Telecons 17Apr09
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
April 17, 2009 Telecon
Topics (feel free to add an item to the agenda):
- NARSTO - Bill Pennell of NARSTO is planning to join us and speak about how NARSTO can engage with ESIP and GEOSS
- North American air quality coordination
- AQ, Climate, long range transport
- Potential collaboration with ESIP and GEOSS
- NARSTO data archive from EPA supersite program and campaign field studies for air quality monitoring
- What should be done with the archive in the future? Ways to improve the input to and output from the archive?
- Interest in data exchange across 3 NAm countries (monitoring, modeling, and emissions data)
- NARSTO data archive from EPA supersite program and campaign field studies for air quality monitoring
- Bill's talk to AQRS on NARSTO Assessment
- Link to full NARSTO assessment
- Santa Barbara Meeting
- We need to decide on process for divying up available travel money. This need not be difficult, but questions are coming up - and we want to let people know if they may get travel support.
- David will define plan for travel funds
- Other ideas trickling in for the agenda
- We need to decide on process for divying up available travel money. This need not be difficult, but questions are coming up - and we want to let people know if they may get travel support.
- Potential issues with ESIP as PI on NASA ACCESS proposal
- GEO Earth Observations in Decision Support RFP- 5-Page Concept Proposal due June 4th
- GEOSS AIP Community Catalog and Portal Discussion
- On the subject of GEOSS & AIP: David & Terry's talk on GEOSS for AQRS
- Happy Endangerment Day! See here and here
- Bill Pennell
- Carol Meyer
- Frank Lindsay
- David McCabe
- Erin Robinson
- Ana Prados
- David Mintz
- Rudy Husar