AQCluster Telecons 11Apr08
- GEOSS AI Pilot timeline update Stefan Falke (Sfalke)
- Is there more information about the Workshop on User Validation of GEOSS Architecture Using an Air-Quality Scenario?
- The GEOSS Pilot intends to work with "operational services." From the AQ community perspective, how do we define operational services?
- New registrations on ESIP Facebook? Stefan Falke (Sfalke)
- Frank Lindsay
- Erin Robinson
- Rich Poirot
- Howard Burrows
- Carol Meyer
- Rudy Husar
- Bruce Caron
Facebook Fank: Can we connect the wiki to Facebook?
Erin: RSS might be a possibility.
Action: Create a wiki RSS feed for what's new.
New direction Rudy: Transition from focus on data connectivity, how to use technologies to get data accessible to more application focused to using the data in addressing air quality issues. The science becomes primary, information technology becomes secondary.
Earliest for the pilot kickoff is September time frame.
'Operational services' includes an element for 'up time' (available X% of the time)
no updates on AQ scenario meeting at GEOSS User Interface.
Summer ESIP meeting
Session on 'What we talk about when we talk about the AQ Cluster'
what was done in the past
how does the cluster support application projects (collaborative groups coming together to address specific AQ research & management topics)
Climate Literacy
Modules of the essentials for climate literacy
how might the cluster collaborate with them
Action: Fix up air quality front wiki page