2008-01-25: ESIP AQ Cluster Telecon
Stefan Falke: <math>
John White: wildfire scenario satellite products for media SEVIR (Central America) goal is to develop group based data to integrate into satellites
Two GEOSS like activities that seem to be going on:
- satellite products for media
- SEVIR (Central America)
- AirNOW International
present a scenario that includes Global components. John knows AirNow - is seeking input from other air quality organizations to develop this scenario. For Ispra meeting: take result of wiki and present to other countries, so that AQ stays on the table and to get input from other countries and make applicable to non-North American countries.
Frank Lindsay: - What are EPA's goals for the Ispra Meeting/Scenario Development?
Rudy Husar: pointed out that the Pilot serves both the Architecture & Data and the User Interface Committees of GEOSS. On the Scenario Development wiki page he outlined the likely steps in the AI Pilot process:
- Feb 2008: Scenario, a short narrative description of functionality from end user point of view.
- Jun 2008?: Call for Participation (CFP): To ientify, GEOSS components, services relevant to the Scenario
- Oct 2008?: Responses to CFP - Begin scenario implementaion developemt using given components
- .. ..009?: Pilot operational?
Ernie Hilsenrath
CEOS Constellation
Committee for Earth Observing Systems
Provide GEO with a space component for GEOSS
4 Pilot Projects (Constellations)
- Land Surface Imaging
- Ocean Topography
- Precipitation
- Atmospheric Composition
- stratosphere
- climate (radiative processes, aerosols)
- air quality
1) NO2 from METOP combined with OMI (NOAA Lead), create common algorithm for NO2
- improve NO2 inventories, imporive aq forecasts
2) Volcanic ash advisories 3) Smoke forecasts from fires - already demonstrated a smoke forecast based on satellites for GEOSS
- use multiple satellites that are directed to fires and serve data for forecasts (sensor web capability)
- how to bring all those pieces together (demonstrate that you can add value if you use more than one satellite)
Karen Moe: Can help to identify users in other countries If we look at Airnow and IDEA sites that show aerosol and smoke trajectories. If we start with EPA user, it helps technology team on the back end on how to bring in the technology tools. Usually good to focus on scenario on a narrow scoped problem. Work out how systems interact with a well know set of users and then transport that to other groups/areas
Rich Scheffe: Can't define specific users needs ahead of time. The information system should be adoptable and and evolve organically.
Rudy: So evidently, for some AQ smoke situations the scenario need well defined with specific end-to-end data flow. In other cases it is important the the data flow can be configured as needed. We need the make sure that the AIP Scenario narrative allows for both kinds of implementations. </math>
David McCabe:
Scenario is where end user is public (not necessarily scientist). Work off of California and how to deal in other parts of the world where you don't have observations real-time oriented
Ernie: real-time but still in research mode / Concerns about wiki method for scenario development
Frank: Is EPA going to compile/assemble the wiki content to present at Ispra?
John: Yes. Wiki-away!