ST Notes Prior
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Revision as of 05:54, March 25, 2019 by ZacharyRobbins (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== September 23, 2015 == [ Michelle Cheatham ] presented on Ontology Design Patterns. The presentation is available here: [[File:ODP_introducti...")
September 23, 2015
Michelle Cheatham presented on Ontology Design Patterns. The presentation is available here: File:ODP introduction.pdf
The links mentioned in the presentation are: GeoLink Schema and
- John Graybeal mentioned that work on his ontology portal was resuming after a short hiatus
- John also mentioned the newly formed EarthCube Semantic Web Working Group. He invited everyone to join their telecons, which are the 3rd Thursday of each month at 9am
- Discussion began on the cluster's use of OBO Foundry Principles for Ontology Governance
- it was mentioned that not all of the principles may be needed
- it was mentioned that enforcement of the principles we do adopt will need to be thought through
- the main portion of the discussion centered around if we should be in the business of hosting a production ontology portal at all. What is the sustainability model for such a portal? John Graybeal mentioned that there is the possibility that NSF EarthCube could fund the effort and ESIP would maintain it; however, this is not guaranteed at the moment.
- Patrick West mentioned that we should be careful to distinguish between ontology repository and ontology registry. We clearly have use cases for both. Some people host their own ontologies and would just like to reference them in a registry while others need dedicated hosting. It is thought that the current ontology portal solutions would support both of these cases.
- discussion will continue via email and at the next telecon
June, 2015 Telecon
This meeting focused on the Long-Term Goals and Roadmapping Session for the Semantic Web Cluster at the ESIP Summer Meeting. This will likely consist of a brainstorming session in the morning, followed by an afternoon session focused on strategic planning and the long term vision of the cluster. Important topics include:
- ontology portal
- ontology governance
- long term infrastructure
- long term development plan (1-2 years)
Other notes:
- Is there a way to check/verify that the room housing the roadmapping session has an established internet connected with appropriate bandwidth for, at minimum, two people to participate via tele/videoconference? (Question for Erin or Annie)
Open questions:
- Were any SW testbed projects submitted this year?
- Are there any SW apps (either academic or private sector) ripe for presentation?
- Is there someone available to talk about ODPs?
- would overlap nicely.
March, 2015 Telecon
- A new special issue of Earth Science Informatics focusing on Semantic e-Science is now available.
- The 35th International Geological Congress will be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 08/27 to 09/04, 2016. The organizers are accepting proposals for symposia, tutorials, workshops, and business meetings. This may be an excellent opportunity to establish a presence via an Introduction to Geoscience Semantics tutorial (just an example, there are others) or organizing domain workshops (and, obviously, organizing conference symposia). Watch email and/or Loomio for discussions and ideation.
- Similarly, cluster members should organize their thoughts regarding proposals for the upcoming ESIP Summer Meeting. Watch for information about a ToolMatch Hackathon as well as a followup session to the previous Winter Meeting's session.
- Is there any ontology portal software (or software stack) other than BioPortal? It seems BioPortal is the best option. ESIP's BioPortal instance has a stable URI (is it the semantic portal link, or the Amazon AWS link, or something else?), but does have some unstable bits. The application will be updated to the current version in the next few months.
- The Semantic Web Cluster will proceed with its application to move from cluster to committee after much positive feedback.
April, 2014 Telecon
- Marshall Ma (RPI) presented on ontology engineering and ontology reuse in the context of the Global Change Information System. Slides available at:
- Peter presented discussions ongoing with ESIP that may lead to Clusters not having to go through Products and Services to receive funding. This should be worked out, and possibly in place, by summer meeting.
March, 2014 Telecon
- telecon cancelled due to competing workshops and meetings
February 25, 2014 Telecon
- Planning for Semantic Web activities at the summer meeting
- Test Bed call for proposals out soon – opportunities for Sem Web Cluster
- Possible interactions with newly forming Clusters (Disaster and Data Science)
- QUDT Ontology Discussion (Beth Huffer)
- Ontology Reuse (Beth Huffer)
January 28, 2014 Telecon
- Review of 2014 Winter Meeting and Next Steps
October 29, 2013 Telecon
- Previous action items
- Update on ToolMatch
- - initial progress (
- Interest from BCO-DMO
- Any progress on PROV-ES -
- Planning for Winter meeting sessions
- toolmatch?
- Other business
September 2013 NO Telecon
August 27, 2013 Telecon
- Previous action items
- Feedback on Summer meeting sessions
- dataset extension for Earth Science -
- Next steps on
- Update on ToolMatch
- Initial planning for Winter meeting
- Other business
June 25, 2013 Telecon
- Previous action items
- Ontology governance update (Peter)
- Summer meeting sessions
- PROV-ES - (Hook/Curt)
- dataset extension for Earth Science - Mashups and ToolMatch may fit at the end of this.
- Discuss remainder of 2013 activities
- Other business
April 30, 2013 Telecon
- Previous action items
- Summer meeting sessions
- Toolmatch/rules update (Chris)
- Ontology governance update (Peter)
- Ontology portal (Line)
- Discuss 2013 activities
- and datasets and Earth Science (Brian)
- IQ cluster interactions
- Other/New items
January 22, 2013 Telecon
- Previous action items (see notes)
- * Winter meeting report on sessions
- Toolmatch/rules update (Chris/ Eric)
- Ontology governance update (Peter)
- Ontology portal (Line)
- Discuss 2013 activities
- and datasets and Earth Science (Brian)
- IQ cluster interactions
- Other/New items
November 27, 2012 Telecon
- Previous action items (see notes)
- Toolmatch update (Chris/ Eric)
- Ontolog update (Dalia if attending, others)
- Ontology governance update (Peter)
- IQ cluster interactions/ update (Peter)
- Winter meeting plans/ sessions
- Other/New items
October 30, 2012 Telecon
- Previous action items (see notes for today)
- Toolmatch update (Chris/ Eric)
- Ontolog update (Dalia if attending, others)
- Ontology governance beyond what we have (update; Peter, maybe a presentation)
- Report from EarthCube 'next generation' meeting, re: semantics (Peter)
- Request for input on NASA ESDSWG Semantic Tech Quad Chart (Brian if able to join, others)
- Other reports on Semantics Activities (any)
- See update from Line Pouchard on ESIP Ontology Portal
- Other/New items
September 25, 2012 Telecon (draft)
- SW hackathon session topics
- ToolMatch Talkoot
- SW Tutorials
- Experts sessions
- SW hands on
- Cross cluster sessions
- Ontolog sessions advertisement (EarthCube related) - Dalia
- update
- Ontology governance by cluster
- Functions; ticket, comment, tracking update
- What's put into Portal and by whom
- Curation guidance
- Other business
August 28, 2012 Telecon
- ToolMatch Talkoot next steps
- Other SW hackathon session topics
- Ontolog sessions advertisement (EarthCube related) - Dalia
- SWC Role in Nov. NASA ESDSWG meeting (if any)
- Planning for 2013 ESIP Winter meeting
- Tutorials/ hackathon
- Experts sessions
- Cross cluster sessions
- Bioportal @ ORNL -
- Status
- Feedback
- Name? "ESIP-OPortal" (working title)
- Ontology governance by cluster
- What's put into the ESIP-OPortal and by whom
- Curation guidance
- Other business
July 24, 2012 Telecon
- Outcome discussion of ToolMatch Talkoot and next steps.
- General ESIP meeting discussion and planning for 2013 Winter meeting
- Tutorials/ hackathon
- Experts sessions
- Bioportal @ ORNL
- Status
- Ontologies governance by cluster
- Other business
June 26, 2012 Telecon
- Bioportal @ ORNL
- SWEET and GCMD discussion
- Data Quality ontologies governance by cluster
- Planning for the ToolMatch Talkoot and Summer
- EarthCube Semantic Web community group report from Charrette and status
May 22, 2012 Telecon
- Planning for the ToolMatch Talkoot and Summer
- Bioportal @ ORNL
- Data Quality ontologies governance by cluster
- EarthCube Semantic Web community group status.
- Other topics
April 24, 2012 Telecon
Global Change Information System
Curt Tilmes, USGCRP NCO
Presentation Slides
March 27, 2012 Telecon
- Introductions (Chris Lynnes chairing)
- Moment of silence in memory of Rob Raskin
- Current Activities
- ESIP network
- ToolMatch, questions:
- white paper on semantic web usage in Earth Science
- Ontology repository tesbed via Products and Services APPROVED (update from Mike or Line)
- Navy SemWeb showcase (NASA tech. infusion, and ESIP) - Hook
- Report/ Feedback
- New Activities
- Sessions for ESIP summer?
- Early planning
- Sessions for AGU meeting -
- Please ADD other new activities here
- Sessions for ESIP summer?
- Future agenda items
- SWEET transition
- Choosing a new representative for the SWEET governance
February 28, 2012 Telecon
- Introductions
- Update on Ontology repository proposal to Products and Services
- Current Activities
- ESIP network
- Update on New Activities
- ToolMatch, an effort to use ontologies and linked data to match tools and services with data.
- white paper on semantic web usage in Earth Science
- OPeNDAP support of RDF
- Navy SemWeb showcase (NASA tech. infusion, and ESIP) - Hook
January 24, 2012 Telecon
- New Telecon Time Discussion
- Discuss/review outcomes of Winter Meeting
- Updates on working activities
- Erin - ESIP Network progress
- Eric/Tom - ESIP AGU project
- New activities for 2012 from Winter ESIP meeting
- Chris - tools/dataset project
- Chris will work on EarthCube white paper
- data types/service ontologies needs to be revisited
- James Gallagher has a possible use of semantics with Opendap.
- Chris - could you use RDF and Opendap to create a integrated visualization from opendap servers
- Updates on working activities
- Other items
December 27, 2011 Telecon
NO telecon in December
November 29, 2011 Telecon
- Identify goals/outcomes of Winter Meeting
- Erin will demonstrate ESIP Network progress
- Eric/Tom will give more updates/questions about ESIP project
- Greg will give an Information Quality Presentation (needs from Semantic Web)
October 25, 2011 Telecon
- Cluster activities
- Quality: needed for Info Quality Semantic Web Primer
- Status?
- Quality: needed for Info Quality Semantic Web Primer
- Plans for Winter meeting
- Eric/Tom activities
- ESIP Network Use Case
- Status?
- New activities
September 27, 2011 Telecon
- Cluster activities
- Quality: needed for Info Quality Semantic Web Primer
- Data / Service ontology
- Status?
- Preservation and Stewardship
- Discovery
- Status?
- Joint session with NASA TIWG in Nov. ESDSWG meeting
- Demonstrations
- Eric/Tom activities
- ESIP Network Use Case
- Status?
- New activities
- Casting ontology
- Revisit tutorials and webinars
June 28, 2011 Telecon
- ESIP Summer Meeting
- Quality: needed for Info Quality Semantic Web Primer
- Data / Services: needed for ontology development
- Preservation and Stewardship -- will be discussed during session.
- Joint session with Info Quality
- When is it? 2:15-3:00
- Semantic Web primer for Info Quality?
- Joint session with Preservation and Stewardship
- When is it?
- Semantic Web primer for Preservation and Stewardship?
- Semantic Web Cluster meeting, Friday at 8:30
- ESIP Network Use Case
- Projects Ontology
- Use of TestBed?
May 24, 2011 Telecon
- ESIP summer SW technical sessions on ontology development (quality, data and service, provenance/ stewardship)
- use cases needed for each of these by June telecon
- who will lead each of these
- SW tutorial
- confirm format
- presenters
- scheduling
- NASA TIWG SW plans (ESIP meeting and general interactions with SW cluster)
- Testbed status update - if needed
- Add agenda items here.
March 22, 2011 Telecon
- Plan for AGU sessions for fall meeting
- ESIP summer SW technical sessions on ontology development (quality - yes, data and service - yes, casting - too early)
- use cases needed for each of these
- Testbed status update (from last telecon)
- Add agenda items here.
February 22, 2011 Telecon
- Planning for Summer Meeting (theme: information and data quality)
- Breakouts
- Tutorial
- Ontology Working Session
- Casting?
- Testbed
- Status
- Needed features?
- Any more inputs for Erin on collaboration tools?
January 25, 2011 Telecon
- Review of ESIP Winter Semantic Web Tutorial (Peter, Chris, Hook, Rob)
- Evaluation
- Relation to NASA Tech Infusion activities and goals
- Relation to SW testbed and requirements on the testbed
- Same form or others (e.g. Expert Panel, etc.)
- Where and when next?
- Using the site for dereferencible ontology IRIs. (Chris L)
- Continuation of Data-Type and Service ontology work (Peter)
- Ontology development to support 'casting' (Brian)
- Summer meeting theme data and information quality - and possible quality ontology work session
- Other topics?
- Utopia uses semantic services to annotate PDFs, but is focused on biomed. Needs earth science add-ons. Check it out at Looking to create a PDF-based poster archive for ESIP with Utopia-like interface. NEW: If this is of any interest to you, I'll spin up a Basecamp site. so email me [bruce at] and I'll sign you up. Here is another resource from bio-med land. (Bruce C)
- Time - 4pm ET
November 22, 2010 Telecon
- 2pm ET
- Short description of Test Bed
- Review of ESIP Winter Tutorial Syllabus and timing/ scheduling at ESIP
- Decision on presenters for each component
- Time line for content development and review.