
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)


  • Tom Narock
  • Beth Huffer
  • Peter Fox
  • Thomas Huang
  • Stace and Massimo
  • Patrick West
  • Nancy Hoebelheinrich
  • Line Pouchard
  • Justin Goldstein
  • Brian Wilson
  • Ruth Duerr
  • Chris Lynnes
  • Bob Downs

General Overview of Winter Meeting

Peter Fox provided a summary of cluster efforts at the Winter Meeting. Overall a positive and successful meeting. Efforts such as Schema.org, ToolMatch, and PROV-ES were well received by the federation.


schema.org work will look at additional Earth-science properties to be added. This work is just beginning and the Winter Meeting consisted of an overview of schema.org and initial discussions. We will be updating the schema.org/dataset wiki page soon: http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/DatasetSchema

It was noted that use of schema.org has problems with dynamic content. There are also potential implementation issues with who will be seen as the authoritative source of a dataset. Imbalance between data center and data provider use of schema.org properties could lead to favoring of one over the other in search/discovery.

Tool Match

Chris, Patrick, and Nancy are leading development efforts. Use cases have been gathered and more are being developed. There is particular interest from the Energy Cluster and collaboration is ongoing. The current implementation of Tool Match is rules based and is using the Semantic Application Design Language to gather rules from the community. Chris reports this framework is working out very well for having non-experts effectively express semantic rules. A telecon with interested collaborators is scheduled for 1/31, details sent to semantic web cluster mailing list.

ToolMatch: http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/ToolMatch


will be added to ESIP ontology portal

For those interested in PROVE-ES mailing list: esdswg-prov-es@lists.nasa.gov and you can get more information and subscribe at https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/listinfo/esdswg-prov-es

GCIS Ontology

The Global Change Information System (GCIS) ontology is designed for the U.S. Global Change Research Program. Marshall gave an overview of the GCIS ontology including its design and structure. Ontology documentation, conceptual map, and RDF serialization can be found at: http://tw.rpi.edu/web/project/gcis-imsap/GCISOntology


SWEET Governance

Thomas Huang is restarting SWEET ontology governance work. He was able to restore much of the ontology work, but some of Rob's efforts could not be saved. Current operational version is 2.3 and version 2.4 is being put forward as a development version. Any changes or updates should be sent to Thomas for inclusion in future releases. Thomas would like to work with the cluster to share governance of this ontology. He will maintain the ontology and handle minor revisions. The Semantic Web Cluster could be used as a forum to discuss major changes and updates. There was general agreement on this process, but specific implementation details are still to be worked out.

For SWEET-related questions/comments, please email our cluster email distribution esip-semanticweb AT lists.esipfed.org or email Thomas directly thomas.huang AT jpl.nasa.gov

Action Items for Next Telecon

We will begin planning our activities for the ESIP Summer Meeting. Think about session and collaboration ideas and bring them to the next telecon on 2/25