From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Notes from Semantic Web Cluster October 29 2013 telelcon
- Attending: Nancy H, Curt T, Hook H, Ruth D, Patrick W, Bob A, Stace B, Marshall M, Massimo D, Joe F, Adam S, David B, Cyndy C, Beth H, Nick D, Erin R, Bob D, Rui Y, Peter F.
- Previous action items
- None
- Update on ToolMatch
- Create a model of SADL (expressive language for classes and properties, english like)
- Reviewed current re-encoding of ToolMatch data
- Next step is testing
- Poster to be presented at AGU
- schema.org - initial progress (http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/DatasetSchema)
- NSIDC (Ruth Duerr, Rui Yan) - progress with marking up NSIDC catalog pages, showing up in google webmaster test pages (http://tw.rpi.edu/web/node/3558 , http://tw.rpi.edu/web/node/3570 , http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets?q=http%3A%2F%2Fnsidc.org%2Fdata%2Fnsidc_titles.html), currently manual conversion but NSIDC will be converting to auto-generation in a set of code sprints in the next weeks/ months.
- Interest from BCO-DMO (Adam Shepherd)
- No specific (or general) scripts have been built yet
- Opportunities for script based conversion of any standardized NASA ESDSWG dataset landing pages effort - not known yet. It was suggested that a pilot (NSIDC) would inform what is developed and
would aid adoption
- Any progress on PROV-ES - http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/PROV-ES
- Mapping of use cases continues
- Stalled since the govt. shutdown
- Were going to make recommendations at ESDSWG (mtg cancelled) - use of W3 PROV, simple extensions for Earth Science to foster adoption and infusion (cf. the more complex encodings of ISO)
- Focusing on PROV-N (notation, easier to read)
- Seeking pilot projects to exercise PROV-ES
- PROV-ES (in NASA ESDSWG) to continue into 2014, likely to start with a telecon, request for definitions in taxonomy mappings with intent to produce RDF encoding (URIs for citation), how-to guide, and then infusion into active projects, work with DAACs
- What means to coordinate with this cluster, what efforts.
- Presentation at Nov. SWC telecon
- Planning for Winter meeting sessions
- schema.org (confirmed)
- toolmatch - to decide in next month or so
- PROV-ES (confirmed) coordination between ESDSWG and ESIP
- Cluster business meeting (1hr)
- Other business
- Future tutorial topics
- Rules
- Linked Data
- Future tutorial topics
We ended 5 mins early.
- Action items
- Peter and Erin to reschedule next month's call
- Hook/Curt to provide PROV-ES presentation for Nov. telecon