From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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CEMSA Conference +
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Recommendations for Nationally Consistent Data and Measures within the Environmental Public Health Tracking Network +
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Recommendations for Nationally Consistent Data and Measures within the Environmental Public Health Tracking Network +
China Air Land and Water, Environmental Priorities for a New Millenium +
China: Air, Land and Water: Environmental Priorities for a new millennium +
Chpt. 17 Urban Air Pollution - Comparative Quantification of Health Risks +
Clean AIr Initiative in sub-Saharan African Cities +
Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities (CAI-Asia) +
Cloud Computing Big Data Applications +
Cloud Computing Readiness for Supporting Earth Science +
Community Input to the NRC Decadal Survey from the NCAR Workshop on Air Quality Remote Sensing from Space: Defining Optimum Observing Strategy +
Community Input to the NRC Decadal Survey from the NCAR Workshop on Air Quality Remote Sensing from Space: Defining Optimum Observing Strategy +
Comparative Environmental Health Assessments:A Brief Introduction and Application in China +
Configure and document a standard approach to access “all” surface monitoring data through common interfaces. +
Configure and document a standard approach to access “all” surface monitoring data through common interfaces. +
Created workspace +
Critical Review Discussion: Remote Sensing of Particulate Pollution from Space: Have We Reached the Promised Land? +
DIRECTIVE 2008/50/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 21 May 2008 on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe +
DIRECTIVE 2008/50/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 21 May 2008 on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe +
Data Stewardship Committee Planning Session +
DataONE Architecture and How to Become a Member Node +
Discovery Catalog Open Source Software Evaluation +
Discovery Catalog Open Source Software Evaluation +
Discovery Hack-a-thon +
Document AQ community conventions/practices for WCS as a generic data access protocol. +
Documenting Data in Multiple Dialects +
Dynamic List and RSS for querying content +
E-Science Drupal Lab +
EE Methodology +
EMEP monitoring strategy 2010-2019 +
EMEP monitoring strategy-beyond 2009 +
ESIP 101 +
ESIP Testbed: Encouraging Technology Innovation for Earth Science +
Earth Cube - Data Discovery Mining and Access +
Earth Science Collaboratory Hackathon +
Earth Science Project Evaluation 101 +
Earth Science and Applications from Space: National Imperatives for the Next Decade and Beyond +
EarthCube - Brokering: A Way Forward for Global Multi-disciplinary Data Sharing +
EarthCube Governance Roadmap and Workshops +
Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency +
Epidemiology of long-term air pollution effects” +
Establish a practical minimum core set of descriptors for the AQ community, to be used in our various resource catalogs. +
Establish a practical minimum core set of descriptors for the AQ community, to be used in our various resource catalogs. +
Estimating the Public Health Benefits of Prposed Air Pollution Regulation +
Estimations of the health impacts of urban air pollution +
European Exchange and Monitoring Information and State of AQ in 2007 +
Evidence for Flagging Exceptional Events +
Example +
Exceptional PM2.5 Event Analysis for TN, GA, and SC, 2002-2004 +
Explore a standardized template/package for common AQ data for CMAQ/other model ingest +
Explore standard interface, conventions and/or platform for inter-comparison tools for observational, remote sensing and modeling data. +
Explore standard interface, conventions and/or platform for inter-comparison tools for observational, remote sensing and modeling data. +
Extended Analysis of the American Cancer Society Study of Particulate Air Pollution and Mortality +
Final Summary Report: Climate, Air Pollution and Public:Health: Estimating Morbidity and Mortality from Fossil Fuel Consumption in Major Urban Areas in Developing Countries +
Final Summary Report: Climate, Air Pollution and Public:Health: Estimating Morbidity and Mortality from Fossil Fuel Consumption in Major Urban Areas in Developing Countries +
Frameworks For Regional Co-operation on Air Pollution:A Review of International Experience +
Frameworks for Data Visualization +
GEOSS 10-Year Implementation Plan +
GEOSS 10-Year Plan Reference Document +
GMES Service Element Promote U5 Core User Needs Dossier V12 +
GMES Service Element Promote2 U1 Core User Needs and User Standards Dossier for Phase 2 +
Global Burden of Disease and Risk Factors +
Global Earth Observation System (GEOS): System Capabilities and the Role for U.S. EPA Recommendations of a Community Panel +
Global Earth Observation System (GEOS): System Capabilities and the Role for U.S. EPA Recommendations of a Community Panel +
Ground-level ozone in the 21st Century: Future trends, impacts and policy implications +
Health Effects of Outdoor Air Pollution in Developing Countries of Asia +
Health Effects of Transport-related Air Pollution: Summary for Policy Makers +
Health Impact of Outdoor Air Pollution in China +
Health Impacts of Air Pollution in asia +
Health, Wealth, and Air Pollution: Advancing Theory and Methods +
Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution 2007 +
Identify Additional Data That Could (with system improvements) Routinely Provided to AQ Forecasters +
Identify Additional Data That Could (with system improvements) Routinely Provided to AQ Forecasters +
Identify new/additional outputs from AirNow (EPA) and new/different subsets/griddings data from GIOVANNI +
Identify new/additional outputs from AirNow (EPA) and new/different subsets/griddings data from GIOVANNI +
Impacts of Roadway Emissions on urban particulate matter concnetrations in sub-Saharan Africa: new evidence from Nairobi Kenya +
Impacts of roadway emissions on urban particulate matter concentrations in sub-Saharan Africa: new evidence from Nairobi, Kenya +
Impacts of roadway emissions on urban particulate matter concentrations in sub-Saharan Africa: new evidence from Nairobi, Kenya +
Implementing USGIN, a Distributed Data Network for Geoscience Information +
Improving Emission Inventories for Effective Air Quality Management Across North America: A NARSTO Assessment +
Improving Emission Inventories for Effective Air Quality Management Across North America: A NARSTO Assessment +
Improving National Air Quality Forecasts with Satellite Aerosol Observations +
Improving our infrastructure for transparency, “feedback” and collaboration on AQ resources +
Innovation Applied Through Geospatial Application - I +
Integrated Global Atmospheric Chemistry Observation Report - GAW 159 +
Integration of Satellite Data, Surface Observations and Models During Exceptional Air Quality Events +
Iran Technical Specification of Air Quality Program +
Iraq Atmosphere Monitoring +
Jordan to install air pollution monitoring devices +
Long-Term Effects of Traffic-Related Air Pollution on Mortality in a Dutch Cohort (NLCS-AIR Study) +
Long-Term Effects of Traffic-Related Air Pollution on Mortality in a Dutch Cohort (NLCS-AIR Study) +
Long-Term Exposure to Air Pollution and Incidence of Cardiovascular Events in Women +
Lung Cancer, Cardiopulmonary Mortality, and Long-term Exposure to Fine Particulate Air Pollution +
Lung Function Growth in Children with Long-Term Exposure to Air Pollutants in Mexico City +
MALE Declaration +
Macao Yearbook +
Marocco to generalize pollution control to big cities +
Mauderly: Health Assessment Aspects of Multipollutant, Results-Based Air Quality Management +
Maximising the co-benefits of light-duty dieselisation in Asia +
Measuring, monitoring and analysing air pollution +
Megacities and Atmospheric Pollution +
Metadata Casting for Data, Services, & Events/Topics +
Meteorological Research Needs for Improved AQ Forecasting +
Mobile Apps with Drupal as a Service +
Modelled Concentration of O3 and Precursors over S. Africa +
Modelling Regional Cross-Border Atmospheric Transport of Ozone in S. Africa +
Mongoloia, The User and the GEOSS Architecture XXI, AQ and Human Health +
Monitoring ambient air quality for health impact assessment +
Moving Forward on the Earth Science Collaboratory +