Community Input to the NRC Decadal Survey from the NCAR Workshop on Air Quality Remote Sensing from Space: Defining Optimum Observing Strategy
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Doc #: 40
Title: Community Input to the NRC Decadal Survey from the NCAR Workshop on Air Quality Remote Sensing from Space: Defining Optimum Observing Strategy | Document Link
Organization/Author: NCAR Workshop on AQ Remote Sensing from Space Organizing Committee
Type: "Workshop Summaries" is not in the list (Report, Workshop, Paper, Website, Presentation, Legislation, Other) of allowed values for the "DocType" property.Workshop Summaries
Year: 2006
Region: North America
Observation Type:
Observation Needs:
Document Status: Unsubmitted, 2009/09/30
Description of Document: NCAR Workshop on AQ and Remote Sensing from Space input to Decadal Survey
Satellite: examine what observational characteristics are required for the successful use of satellite remote sensing to measure environmentally significant pollutant trace gases and aerosols
Four principal areas in which satellite observations are crucial for future AQ basic research and operational needs were identified: (1) AQ characterization for retrospective assessments and forecasting to support air program management and public health advisories; (2) Quantification of emissions of ozone and aerosol precursors; (3) Long-range transport of pollutants extending from regional to global scales; and (4) Large puff releases from environmental disasters.