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<div id="elementsAndDefinitionsManual"> <!--elements, definitions, and examples for class: MD_Metadata--> <table cellpadding="3" width="100%"> <tr> <th colspan="3">Elements</th> <th width="60%"> <i>Definition and Recommended Practice</i> </th> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">1</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_Identifier|metadataIdentifier]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Code that uniquely identifies this metadata record, assigned and maintained by the custodian of the metadata record. Recommended Practice: value of identifier is usually the same as the name of the metadata file - for example C00500.xml. There are two general approaches to ensuring uniqueness for these identifiers: 1. use a universal unique identifier (UUID), to distinguish it from other resources. 2. Include a namespace and a code guarenteed to be unique in that namespace in the identifier. For example: gov.noaa.class:AERO100. In this case gov.noaa.class is a namespace and AERO100 is a code guaranteed to be unique in that namespace</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">2</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[PT_Locale|defaultLocale]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Default language, country of origin and characterSet used in metadata. Locale is mandatory when more than one language is used in free text descriptions</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">3</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[CI_Citation|parentMetadata]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Citation to a parent level metadata record</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">4</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_MetadataScope|metadataScope]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Scope of resource to which the metadata applies. Now includes an MD_ScopeCode and a name for a hierarchy level. Repeat if more than one scope is applicable to this metadata description.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">5</td> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">[[CI_Responsibility|contact]]</td> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">1..*</td> <td> <i>Individual and/or organization responsible for metadata creation and maintenance. Use roleCode="pointOfContact". Provide contact details, such address, phone and email.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">6</td> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">[[CI_Date|dateInfo]]</td> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">1..*</td> <td> <i>Date of last metadata update. Highly recommend revisiting the metadata content annually to ensure that all the information is still relevant. Use ISO 8601 extended format: YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">7</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[CI_Citation|metadataStandard]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Citation of the metadata standard used.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">8</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[CI_Citation|metadataProfile]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Citation of the profile(s) of the metadata standard used.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">9</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[CI_Citation|alternativeMetadataReference]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Citation to alternative metadata for the resource.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">10</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[PT_Locale|otherLocale]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Alternative language, country of origin and characterSet used in metadata.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">11</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[CI_OnlineResource|metadataLinkage]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Online location information for the metadata.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">12</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_GridSpatialRepresentation|spatialRepresentationInfo]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Spatial representation properties for Gridded datasets.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">13</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_ReferenceSystem|referenceSystemInfo]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Identification of the horizontal projections, vertical datums and temporal reference systems used. Mandatory if spatialRepresentationType in dataIdentification is vector, grid, or tin.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">14</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_MetadataExtension|metadataExtensionInfo]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Description of extended metadata fields and structure.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">15</td> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">identificationInfo<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[MD_DataIdentification|MD_DataIdentification]]<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[SV_ServiceIdentification|SV_ServiceIdentification]]<br/></td> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">1..*</td> <td> <i>Choose one and repeat identificationInfo if needed.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">16</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_ContentInformation|contentInfo]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>information about the feature catalogue, or descriptions of the coverage and the image data characteristics.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">17</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_Distribution|distributionInfo]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>nformation about acquiring the resource.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">18</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[DQ_DataQuality|dataQualityInfo]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Data quality quality reporting for the resource.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">19</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[LI_Lineage|resourceLineage]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Data processing history (provenance) for the resource.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">20</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_PortrayalCatalogue|portrayalCatalogueInfo]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>A portrayal catalogue is a collection of defined symbols used to depict humans, features on a map.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">21</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_Constraints|metadataConstraints]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>The limitations or constraints regarding the use and access of the metadata.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">22</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_ApplicationSchemaInformation|applicationSchemaInfo]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i> Information about the conceptual schema of the dataset.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">23</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_MaintenanceInformation|metadataMaintenance]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Document recent metadata record edits. When the metadata is generated automatically, use this section to document the source and transform tool in the maintenanceNote field. </i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">24</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MI_AcquisitionInformation|acquisitionInformation]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Information about the platforms and instruments collecting the data.</i> </td> </tr> </table> </div>
<div id="elementsAndDefinitionsManual"> <!--elements, definitions, and examples for class: MD_Metadata--> <table cellpadding="3" width="100%"> <tr> <th colspan="3">Elements</th> <th width="60%"> <i>Definition and Recommended Practice</i> </th> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">1</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_Identifier|metadataIdentifier]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..1</td> <td> <i>Code that uniquely identifies this metadata record, assigned and maintained by the custodian of the metadata record. Recommended Practice: value of identifier is usually the same as the name of the metadata file - for example C00500.xml. There are two general approaches to ensuring uniqueness for these identifiers: 1. use a universal unique identifier (UUID), to distinguish it from other resources. 2. Include a namespace and a code guarenteed to be unique in that namespace in the identifier. For example: gov.noaa.class:AERO100. In this case gov.noaa.class is a namespace and AERO100 is a code guaranteed to be unique in that namespace</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">2</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[PT_Locale|defaultLocale]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..1</td> <td> <i>Default language, country of origin and characterSet used in metadata. Locale is mandatory when more than one language is used in free text descriptions</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">3</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[CI_Citation|parentMetadata]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..1</td> <td> <i>Citation to a parent level metadata record</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">4</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_MetadataScope|metadataScope]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Scope of resource to which the metadata applies. Now includes an MD_ScopeCode and a name for a hierarchy level. Repeat if more than one scope is applicable to this metadata description.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">5</td> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">[[CI_Responsibility|contact]]</td> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">1..*</td> <td> <i>Individual and/or organization responsible for metadata creation and maintenance. Use roleCode="pointOfContact". Provide contact details, such address, phone and email.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">6</td> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">[[CI_Date|dateInfo]]</td> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">1..*</td> <td> <i>Date of last metadata update. Highly recommend revisiting the metadata content annually to ensure that all the information is still relevant. Use ISO 8601 extended format: YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">7</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[CI_Citation|metadataStandard]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Citation of the metadata standard used.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">8</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[CI_Citation|metadataProfile]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Citation of the profile(s) of the metadata standard used.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">9</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[CI_Citation|alternativeMetadataReference]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Citation to alternative metadata for the resource.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">10</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[PT_Locale|otherLocale]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Alternative language, country of origin and characterSet used in metadata.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">11</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[CI_OnlineResource|metadataLinkage]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Online location information for the metadata.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">12</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_GridSpatialRepresentation|spatialRepresentationInfo]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Spatial representation properties for Gridded datasets.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">13</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_ReferenceSystem|referenceSystemInfo]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Identification of the horizontal projections, vertical datums and temporal reference systems used. Mandatory if spatialRepresentationType in dataIdentification is vector, grid, or tin.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">14</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_MetadataExtension|metadataExtensionInfo]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Description of extended metadata fields and structure.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">15</td> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">identificationInfo<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[MD_DataIdentification|MD_DataIdentification]]<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[SV_ServiceIdentification|SV_ServiceIdentification]]<br/></td> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">1..*</td> <td> <i>Choose one and repeat identificationInfo if needed.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">16</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_ContentInformation|contentInfo]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>information about the feature catalogue, or descriptions of the coverage and the image data characteristics.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">17</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_Distribution|distributionInfo]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>nformation about acquiring the resource.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">18</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[DQ_DataQuality|dataQualityInfo]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Data quality quality reporting for the resource.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">19</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[LI_Lineage|resourceLineage]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Data processing history (provenance) for the resource.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">20</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_PortrayalCatalogue|portrayalCatalogueInfo]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>A portrayal catalogue is a collection of defined symbols used to depict humans, features on a map.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">21</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_Constraints|metadataConstraints]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>The limitations or constraints regarding the use and access of the metadata.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">22</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_ApplicationSchemaInformation|applicationSchemaInfo]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i> Information about the conceptual schema of the dataset.</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">23</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_MaintenanceInformation|metadataMaintenance]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..1</td> <td> <i>Document recent metadata record edits. When the metadata is generated automatically, use this section to document the source and transform tool in the maintenanceNote field. </i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">24</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MI_AcquisitionInformation|acquisitionInformation]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Information about the platforms and instruments collecting the data.</i> </td> </tr> </table> </div>
[[Category:ISO Explorer]]
[[Category:ISO Explorer]]

Revision as of 12:30, February 16, 2017


The root element of the ISO Metadata Standards contains information about the metadata and sections that contain other information.

Elements Definition and Recommended Practice
1 metadataIdentifier 0..1 Code that uniquely identifies this metadata record, assigned and maintained by the custodian of the metadata record. Recommended Practice: value of identifier is usually the same as the name of the metadata file - for example C00500.xml. There are two general approaches to ensuring uniqueness for these identifiers: 1. use a universal unique identifier (UUID), to distinguish it from other resources. 2. Include a namespace and a code guarenteed to be unique in that namespace in the identifier. For example: gov.noaa.class:AERO100. In this case gov.noaa.class is a namespace and AERO100 is a code guaranteed to be unique in that namespace
2 defaultLocale 0..1 Default language, country of origin and characterSet used in metadata. Locale is mandatory when more than one language is used in free text descriptions
3 parentMetadata 0..1 Citation to a parent level metadata record
4 metadataScope 0..* Scope of resource to which the metadata applies. Now includes an MD_ScopeCode and a name for a hierarchy level. Repeat if more than one scope is applicable to this metadata description.
5 contact 1..* Individual and/or organization responsible for metadata creation and maintenance. Use roleCode="pointOfContact". Provide contact details, such address, phone and email.
6 dateInfo 1..* Date of last metadata update. Highly recommend revisiting the metadata content annually to ensure that all the information is still relevant. Use ISO 8601 extended format: YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.
7 metadataStandard 0..* Citation of the metadata standard used.
8 metadataProfile 0..* Citation of the profile(s) of the metadata standard used.
9 alternativeMetadataReference 0..* Citation to alternative metadata for the resource.
10 otherLocale 0..* Alternative language, country of origin and characterSet used in metadata.
11 metadataLinkage 0..* Online location information for the metadata.
12 spatialRepresentationInfo 0..* Spatial representation properties for Gridded datasets.
13 referenceSystemInfo 0..* Identification of the horizontal projections, vertical datums and temporal reference systems used. Mandatory if spatialRepresentationType in dataIdentification is vector, grid, or tin.
14 metadataExtensionInfo 0..* Description of extended metadata fields and structure.
15 identificationInfo
1..* Choose one and repeat identificationInfo if needed.
16 contentInfo 0..* information about the feature catalogue, or descriptions of the coverage and the image data characteristics.
17 distributionInfo 0..* nformation about acquiring the resource.
18 dataQualityInfo 0..* Data quality quality reporting for the resource.
19 resourceLineage 0..* Data processing history (provenance) for the resource.
20 portrayalCatalogueInfo 0..* A portrayal catalogue is a collection of defined symbols used to depict humans, features on a map.
21 metadataConstraints 0..* The limitations or constraints regarding the use and access of the metadata.
22 applicationSchemaInfo 0..* Information about the conceptual schema of the dataset.
23 metadataMaintenance 0..1 Document recent metadata record edits. When the metadata is generated automatically, use this section to document the source and transform tool in the maintenanceNote field.
24 acquisitionInformation 0..* Information about the platforms and instruments collecting the data.

ISO Legend

Possible Parent Elements

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