From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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- Telecon (2022-06-01) - June meeting
- Telecon (2022-05-04) - May meeting
- Telecon (2020-02-03) - February meeting
- December meeting was cancelled
- Telecon (2020-11-04) - November meeting
- October meeting was cancelled
- September meeting was cancelled
- August meeting was cancelled
- July meeting was cancelled
- June meeting was cancelled
- May meeting was cancelled
- April meeting was cancelled
- March meeting was cancelled
- February meeting was cancelled
- January meeting was cancelled
- December meeting was cancelled
- Telecon (2019-11-06) - November meeting
- Telecon_(2019-10-02) - Update on August action items.
- September 4th meeting was cancelled
- Telecon (2019-08-07) - Reviewing ESIP session comments and prioritizing action items.
- Telecon (2019-07-03) - Analyzing keyword usage, revisiting controlled vocabularies, summer meeting plans.
- Telecon (2019-06-05) - Spring hackathon planning, software registration update, controlled vocabulary notes.
- Telecon (2019-05-01) - Spring hackathon planning, software registration update, controlled vocabulary notes.
- Telecon (2019-02-06) - Spring hackathon planning
- Telecon (2018-12-05) - Populating the IMCR with software
- The November 7th meeting was canceled.
- Telecon (2018-10-10) - Controlled vocabulary testing
- Telecon (2018-09-05) - Virtual hackathon formatting and controlled vocabulary development
- Telecon (2018-08-01) - ESIP summary and virtual hackathon planning
- ESIP session (2018-07-20) - IMCR history, road map, and discussion
- The July 4th was canceled.
- Hackathon (2018-06-12 to 2018-06-14) - Hackathon summary
- Telecon (2018-05-02) - Hackathon planning
- A brief history of the IMCR