Telecon (2019-02-06)
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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- Kristin Vanderbilt
- Colin Smith
- John Porter
- Stevan Earl
- Identify potential topics for a spring hackathon
What would be a good theme for the next hackathon:
- Build on EML AssemblyLine to make EML generation easier. Integrate with Metabase project – using a common set of database view as basis for generating EML. Kristin would like a spreadsheet form of the attributes component of the EML AssemblyLine.
- Visualizations: feed EML to document to service and get visualization output. Hard part is to determine x and y dimensions. Use this software not for analysis, but for determining data fitness for use. R DataMaid might produce the kinds of graphs we need. Emery has a system that already does visualizations like this – check with him on how he implemented it. Visualization software would be implemented using a web service so it can be called from anywhere. Interactive graphs are a desirable feature. Mark Servilla recently excited by opportunity to use Google Earth Engine for spatial viz.
- EML 2.2 and Annotations. LTER used to have a tool that you could put text in to and it would provide a list of keywords from the LTER Controlled Vocabulary. John used this to return a snippet of EML to go into VCR EML. But some people want just a comm-separated list of terms, others want the snippet. Need a web editor for EML to directly import the output of this service. New Morpho may have capacity for annotation; need to associate terms provided by the metadata creator with the PURL. Mark Servilla has talked about making value-added metadata based on machine-learning. Annotation challenge: How does one identify the appropriate concept with which to annotate. E.g., if one has a variable generated by using a particular method, how to you locate the concept for that method?
- Metadata exporter tool – to produce NetCDF, for instance. Could have capacity to subset. Would this need to be implemented by EDI portal? Not necessarily. Could be a web service. Amazon Web Services are dandy but cost money.
Action items
- Decide on a hackathon topic