Telecon (2019-11-06)
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- Megan Carter
- Stevan Earl
- John Porter
- Colin Smith
- Kristin Vanderbilt
Agenda & Notes
Meeting notes are italicized.
Revisit action item status from August and October meetings
A few low priority action items remain but for all intents and purposes the items listed in these previous telecoms are complete.
New platform?
Faceted searching would expand user options, and allow integration of software library specific keywords (i.e. non-IMCR Vocab terms). Currently Onto-soft doesn't support these. One option that does is Should we migrate to this new platform or something similar?
Because resources for conducting this work are low we should continue using Onto-soft and keep an eye on moving to a new platform in the future as resources allow.
Auto-tagging of IMCR Vocab terms
Input software descriptions to the Tematres keyword extractor and automatically tag software with resulting terms. Also, pass explicitly stated keywords (developer defined) to the keyword extractor.
This could be worth the effort, however we first need to understand whether the IMCR is a useful resource. Therefore effort should be now focused towards fixing a few final issues before advertising and gathering feedback on the value of the IMCR.
Register software form any language
A lot of great resources out there in languages other than R and Python!
New software libraries will continue to be added.