
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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Showing 17 pages using this property.
AIRNow itself provides AQI data to the public. Raw, numerical data is available to stakeholders via AIRNowTech. AIRNow Gateway is a new addition that provides data streams to a variety of customers, utilizing a web service infrastructure.  +
AQS provides standard and ad hoc report access to users. By policy, only state, local, tribal and federal agency employees and contractors are allowed an AQS account. External access is handled by the AQS Data Mart. The AQS Data Mart is the dissemination piece of AQS. It contains all of the data reported to AQS from 1980 to the present (even AQS does not keep that much on-line). It is updated nightly with the data added to AQS during the business day. Access requires registration but is open to anyone and there is a guest account. Access is via 5 SOAP web services or a “Direct Interface” query builder (which is just a GUI on top of the SOAP web services).  +
All data is provided on the CASTNET website after it is QA’ed. Ozone data is provided to the public through the CASTNET website and AirNow  +
All of the files indexed by the Geoweb Service provide metadata so that the user can understand the content, and are copied from their source to the user’s workstation when a visualization is requested. The visualization is performed on the user’s workstation within the World Wind Geo tool, within Google Earth, etc. Some of the files indexed by the Geoweb Service are served by OPeNDAP servers (Open-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol) operated by NASA, NOAA, etc. Web browsers can work with OPeNDAP servers to identify a subset of the data, based on the variables in the file; and then download just that subset of data to the user’s workstation.  +
Giovanni provides access to the original and their subsets in various formats: HDF, netCDF, ASCII, kml/kmz (for Google Earth)  +
Not Given  +
Not Given  +
Not a current goal of the project. Internal EPA only.  +
Promote the integration and flow of Earth science data from collection and analysis to end-use.  +
Several custom order tools and subset tools.  +
Standards based access to emissions and related data. Uses DataFed for data registration and access.  +
The VIEWS website provides easy online access to the integrated database through a wide variety of tools and applications. Users are encouraged to register with the website, but no account or login is required to use any of the VIEWS resources. The entire contents of the integrated database are freely and openly available for ad hoc querying, display, and download. In addition, users are encouraged to submit custom requests for data and to provide additional relevant datasets for inclusion in the database.  +
The main goal of the Unidata data systems is to make the data available to users.  +
This is the primary purpose of the NARSTO Permanent Data Archive  +
Yes, using csv files  +
Yes. RSIG integrates incoming proprietary dataset formats into standard formats the user can save to their PC. A user can save the data or visualization--or both--to their local computer in such standard formats as portable binary, ASCII, NetCDF, binary XDR, and MPEG. The user can then export the selected datasets from RSIG into other applications--such as GIS tools--for further analysis. Also, developers can bypass the Java client totally by using OGC-WCS/WMS-compliant server scripts to programmatically capture RSIG-subsetted data for use in their applications. Includes numerous CMAQ conveniences: enables comparison (difference, absolute difference, percent difference, ratio, after regridding) of Ozone, AOD, PM25 from MODIS, FAQSD, GASP, MOZAIC, Airnow and AQS to CMAQ; displays intersection of CALIPSO and MOZAIC 4D path in CMAQ grid (that is, extract CMAQ data for each lon-lat-elevation-time of the other data).  +