NO2 Workshop

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October 31-November 1, 2007
EPA HQ, Washington, DC


Assemble air pollution monitoring scientists (satellite and surface sensor data producers), information scientists and technology developers, and air quality researchers and managers to begin defining guidelines and best practices in creating web networks and applications that use satellite and surface data for assessment, analysis and modeling of air quality. For purposes of framing the discussion, the group will focus on NO2 monitoring, analysis, modeling and applications.

Desired Outcomes:

  1. identify and organize, through online methods, available NO2 data and information resources
  2. develop guidelines and blueprints for improving use of NO2 data in air quality research and management, including advancing initial demonstrations of prototype NO2 web applications
  3. define cross-organization, cross-project activities to undertake with NO2 data and web networks and explore related opportunities to advance other air quality activities

Participant List


October 31
8:30-9:00 Workshop overview with expected outcomes
9:00-10:15 Existing AQ network elements and demos of tools and services

10:45-12:15 Existing AQ network elements and demos of tools and services

1:15-3:15 Feedback and insight from the perspective:

3:45-5:00 Feedback and insight from the perspective of:

  • Data product and sensor/monitor scientists
  • Air quality researchers and planners
    • Trevor Beck, NOAA-NESDIS; GOME-2 and OMI NO2 Retrievals for Regional and Global Air Quality Modeling Applications

November 1
8:30-11:00 Roundtable: How to improve future AQ applications using satellite and surface data

Discussion Page

11:30-12:45 Next steps in developing networked elements and applications