From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Please add your name and relevant information if you are planning on attending either in DC or remotely
- Trevor Beck, NOAA-NESDIS
- Stephen Berrick, NASA_GSFC - Confirmed
- Howard Burrows, AUSI - remote
- Bruce Caron - working on an NO2 data viewer model software application
- Marge Cole - Confirmed, local
- Edward Celarier, NASA/GSFC - OMI NO2 standard product.
- Fred Dimmick, EPA/OAQPS
- Jill Engel-Cox (3D-AQS)
- Stefan Falke, Washington University & Northrop Grumman
- Ernest Hilsenrath, NASA
- Amy Huff (3d-AQS) - Confirmed
- Rudolf Husar, Washington University
- Terry Keating, EPA/OAR
- Thomas P. Kurosu, SAO (attending in person)
- Greg Leptoukh, NASA-GSFC - Confirmed
- Frank Lindsay, NASA
- Susan Lundquist, EPA/OEI (remote)
- Randall Martin (remote)
- David McCabe - AAAS/EPA-GEOSS
- Guy Mincey, Northrop Grumman
- Doreen Neil, NASA/LaRC
- Ramon Olivero, Lockheed Martin (EPA GEOSS)
- Heidi Paulsen, EPA OEI/OTOP
- Rob Pinder, EPA/ORD (remote)
- Rich Poirot, State of Vermont
- Ana Prados - 3D-AQS
- Rich Scheffe. EPA/OAQPS - likely to attend day 1*
- Bret Schichtel, CIRA (remote)
- Dick Wertz, ESIP - participation on Wednesday
- Steve Young, EPA/OEI - Confirmed