Air Quality/Chemistry Naming Conventions

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

What links here: Air Quality/Chemistry Naming Conventions

This is a temporary experiment/demo of open, collaboration technologies until permanent location is found.
This is a wiki for the development of CF-compliant naming conventions for air chemistry.

This ad hoc virtual workgroup effort is coordinated by Christiane Textor
Please feel free to evaluate, experiment, contribute, create..

What's New - Final Proposal PDF

View AQ Observatory Proposal

NSF Solicitation



Current Topics

CF Standard Names - Air Chemistry Terms

Current list of Air Chamistry names in CF Standard Names. Shows where we are now.

CF Standard Names - Proposed Air Chemistry Terms

Evolving list of CF names (to be?) formally proposed to CF.

Resources on Air Chemistry Naming

Suggestions on standard Air Chemistry&Aerosol naming and a tool to check conformity with CF convention:

PRISM project results: PRISM project standard name table

CF-Convention compliance checker for NetCDF format: checker

IPCC Standard Output: Output requirement listing

Discussion on AC Naming - General

General discussion on Air Quality/Chemistry Naming Conventions. For illustration, the initial email messages on this topic were transfered to a discussion thead on this page. Rhusar 17:28, 14 May 2006 (EDT)


Every article page has an associated discussion page, each can be edited by any participant. The wiki keeps track and allows recalling all previous versions, accessible through 'History' button.

To participate, click on "create account or log in" in the upper right corner. To edit article and discussion pages click the edit tab. Practice editing in the Sandbox. You may wish to start by contributing to the Discussion on Naming or other discussion pages.

Wiki Technology

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Discussion on Wiki Technology

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