Solta 2011 Agenda

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Revision as of 05:39, August 13, 2011 by Rhusar (talk | contribs)

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Daily Schedule
07:30-08:00 Breakfast
08:00-10:00 Morning Session 1
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-12:30 Morning Session 2
12:30-16:00 Free, lunch on your own
16:00-18:00 Afternoon Session
18:00-19:00 Discussion with wine, cheese

Monday 16:00-18:00 Data Catalog Side Meeting (everyone welcome)

Monday 18:00-20:00 Social

Tue 16.00-18.00: Self-Introduction, 5 mins/participant


Welcome, Logistics
Self-Introduction - by each participant

  • Slides 1-2: Name, institution, relevant research (on interoperability, networking), participation in major projects/programs
  • Slide(s) 3-(4): What would you like to take away from the workshop; what would you like to offer to the workshop (or AQ CoP)

Tue 10.30-12.30: Introduction of Hubs, AQ CoP, 5 min each


Intro of AQ Data Hubs - by their representatives

  • AQ Community Servers: CommonDataFed, FJ Juelich, NGC/CIERA, EBAS (VIEWS)
  • Other Servers: DLR/ACP, AIRNow, EEA NRT, AQMEII (AeroCom, RSIG, GIOVANNI)

Air Quality Community of Practice (AQ CoP) - R Husar
Air Quality Community Data Server - M. Schultz

Tue 16.00-18.00: IT Beakout: AQ Community server software


Use of netCDF and other data formats
Gridded data service through WCS
Station-point data service (SQL)
Data server performance issues/solutions; Server co-development tools
Relationship to other WCS servers; Real Data-to-WCS/WFS/WMS-Mapping

Tue 16.00-18.00: NoIT: Data network environment: Scope, providers, users


Data Classes: by data source-driver (mandated, research); by content (emission, ambient, remsens, model), by space-time (global, regional)
Data Providers: Existing data integration/dissemination organizations: Data Hubs
Data Users: Science Teams, Decision support, Public info: Data-to-knowledge; data-to-decision transformers
Current data flow - assessment: flow from hubs, into dedicated processing value chains; closed system? stovepipe??

Tue 18.00-19.00: General Discussion, with wine and cheese

Wed 8.00-10.00: Breakout reports, general server items


What few things must be the same, so that everything else can be different? Report from the IT breakout session: Community server software
Report from non IT breakout session: ADN scope, providers, users
Report from the pre-workshop Data Catalog side meeting
Crossover topics between IT and non-IT issues

Wed 10.30-12.30: Data network catalog and clients


Functionality of an Air Quality Data Network Catalog
Catalog content and structure (granularity) of ADNC?
Minimal metadata for discovery, data provenance, quality, access constrains?
Single AQ Catalog? Distributed? Service-oriented?, Access rights
Catalog Clients expand here

Wed 16.00-18.00: Relationship, cooperation, governance


Wed 18.00-19.00: General Discussion, with wine and cheese

Group dinner

Thu 8.00-10.00: Networking impediments and opportunities


JJ Bogardi, Global Water System Project (GWSP) at EGIDA, Bonn:
Nature of Networking Projects: Complex funding; mixture of paid and voluntary; multiple obligations; international; differing project maturity; governance, cultures
Which glue keeps it together? Trust and personal affinity. Common objectives and scientific values. Mutual respect. Mutual benefit (win-win). Complementarity. Donor dictate
Lethal“ ingredients. Turf mentality. Budget discrepancies. Too much competition. Lack of data and information exchange. Donor jealousy

  • Clear statements about obstacles: no clear structure; no dedicated funding and no clear idea(s) yet how to do it.
  • Opportunities, fixes: ID manageable work packages; Find, organize, distribute reusable components, resources; Create win-win situation

Thu 10.30-12.30: ADN user relations/help, whom, what?

  • Target User communities
  • Use cases for different applications... from scientists to managers, media people and the general public)?
  • How can users find out about (each) system? Big future issues: data quality, traceability, metadata..

Thu 16.00-18.00: Workshop outputs, outcomes, plans?


What are the anticipated outputs? Agreement on community WCS server for grid and point data; server governance, distributed catalog; workshop summary
What are the anticipated outcomes? More servers and data added to the shared data pool and more willing users of shared data.

Thu 18.00-19.00: General Discussion, with wine and cheese

Friday: Boat trip