Solta 2011 Agenda

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Revision as of 21:49, August 21, 2011 by Rhusar (talk | contribs)

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Monday 16:00-18:00 Data Catalog Side Meeting (everyone welcome)

Location: LeoMar, Boldrini/Bigagli

GI-cat - ESSI Federated Catalog
AQComCat - Air Quality Community Catalog (Kari)
GI-cat-AQComCat link - Federating AQComCat into GI-cat; Accessing GI-cat from AQComCat

Monday 18:00-19:00 Social

Tue 16.00-18.00: Self-Introduction, 5 mins/participant

Location: LeoMar, Husar/Vidic

Welcome, Logistics
Self-Introduction - by each participant

  • Slides 1-2: Name, institution, relevant research (on interoperability, networking), participation in major projects/programs
  • Slide(s) 3-(4): What would you like to take away from the workshop; what would you like to offer to the workshop (or AQ CoP)

Tue 10.30-12.30: Introduction of Hubs, AQ CoP, 5 min each

Location: LeoMar, Schultz/Bernonville

Intro of AQ Data Hubs - by their representatives

  • AQ Community Servers: Common DataFed, FJ Juelich, NGC/CIERA, EBAS (VIEWS)
  • Other Servers: DLR/ACP, AIRNow, EEA NRT, AQMEII (AeroCom, RSIG, GIOVANNI)

Air Quality Community of Practice (AQ CoP) - R Husar
Air Quality Community Data Server - M. Schultz

Tue 16.00-18.00: IT Breakout: AQ Community server software

Location: LeoMar, Decker/Hoijarvi

Use of netCDF and other data formats
Gridded data service through WCS
Station-point data service (SQL)
Data server performance issues/solutions; Server co-development tools
Relationship to other WCS servers; Real Data-to-WCS/WFS/WMS-Mapping

Tue 16.00-18.00: NoIT: Data network environment: Scope, providers, users

Location: LeoMar, Vik/Fialkowski

Data Classes: by data source-driver (mandated, research); by content (emission, ambient, remsens, model), by space-time (global, regional)
Data Providers: Existing data integration/dissemination organizations: Data Hubs
Data Users: Science Teams, Decision support, Public info: Data-to-knowledge; data-to-decision transformers
Current data flow - assessment: flow from hubs, into dedicated processing value chains; closed system? stovepipe??

Tue 18.00-19.00: General Discussion, with wine and cheese

Wed 8.00-10.00: Breakout reports, general server items

Location: LeoMar, Domenico/Gaussev

What few things must be the same, so that everything else can be different? Report from the IT breakout session: Community server software
Report from non IT breakout session: ADN scope, providers, users
Report from the pre-workshop Data Catalog side meeting
Crossover topics between IT and non-IT issues

Wed 10.30-12.30: Data network catalog and clients

Location: LeoMar, Bigagli/Eckhardt

Functionality of an Air Quality Data Network Catalog
Catalog content and structure (granularity) of ADNC?
Minimal metadata for discovery, data provenance, quality, access constrains?
Single AQ Catalog? Distributed? Service-oriented?, Access rights
Catalog Clients expand here

Wed 16.00-18.00: Relationship, cooperation, governance

Location: LeoMar, Nativi/Robinson

3 call-in presentations, (10 mins each max!)

  • 16:00 US EPA - Terry Keating (HTAP, CyAir..) ...perspective on AQ data networking;
  • 16:10 Nat.Park Serv. - Bret Schichtel (VIEWS) on data collection & usage in VIEWS DSS -
  • 16:20 GEO - UIC. Adam Carpenter on GEO Earth Observation Priorities

16:30-17:00 Discussion
17:00 - 18:00 User perspective, value chain.
Relationships, cross-thematic links (EGIDA, ESIP), How can we collaborate? Network governance

Wed 18.00-19.00: General Discussion, with wine and cheese

Group dinner

Thu 8.00-10.00: Networking impediments and opportunities

Location: LeoMar, Kjeld/Ludewig

JJ Bogardi, Global Water System Project (GWSP) at EGIDA, Bonn:
Nature of Networking Projects: Complex funding; mixture of paid and voluntary; multiple obligations; international; differing project maturity; governance, cultures
Which glue keeps it together? Trust and personal affinity. Common objectives and scientific values. Mutual respect. Mutual benefit (win-win). Complementarity. Donor dictate
Lethal“ ingredients. Turf mentality. Budget discrepancies. Too much competition. Lack of data and information exchange. Donor jealousy

  • Clear statements about obstacles: no clear structure; no dedicated funding and no clear idea(s) yet how to do it.
  • Opportunities, fixes: ID manageable work packages; Find, organize, distribute reusable components, resources; Create win-win situation

Thu 10.30-12.30: ADN user relations/help, whom, what?

Location: LeoMar, Galmarini/Dye
  • Target User communities
  • Use cases for different applications... from scientists to managers, media people and the general public)?
  • How can users find out about (each) system? Big future issues: data quality, traceability, metadata..

Thu 16.00-18.00: Workshop outputs, outcomes, plans?

Location: LeoMar, 'Schultz/Husar

What are the anticipated outputs? Agreement on community WCS server for grid and point data; server governance, distributed catalog; workshop summary
What are the anticipated outcomes? More servers and data added to the shared data pool and more willing users of shared data.

Thu 18.00-19.00: General Discussion, with wine and cheese

Friday: Boat trip