From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
*1998 - ESIP Formed by NASA in Response to a NRC Recommendation for "Community Involvement" in EOSDIS.
*2003 – Evolved Plan to Become a Broad-Based Inter-Disciplinary Collaborative Forum (Cyberinfrastructure) for the Earth Science Information Community.
*2004 - NOAA/NESDIS Becomes Second Strategic Partner.
*2005 - Air Quality Cluster formed
*2007 – EPA/ORD becomes Third Strategic Partner
*2003-2007 – Membership Grows from 27 to 106 Entities.
AIRQuest evolved from an OAQPS internal need for access to integrated data, without having to comb through a variety of source data systems. The vision was to develop a single source of high-quality, integrated, and up-to-date data, thereby allowing analysts to do their jobs without having to visit a myriad of sources and perform their own integration. Another important concept was that of "one answer", i.e. a warehouse codified business processes such that each analysis can be done consistently and with reproducible results. +
AQS is the EPA’s repository for air quality measurements from ground based stations. The stations are operated by state, local, tribal, and other federal agencies. Some of the data is required by regulation, other data is reported voluntarily. The agency that collects, analyzes, and submits the sample data to AQS maintains ownership of the data. +
CMAQ is a product of the US EPA’s Office of Research and Development and is updated on a regular basis to reflect the current state-of-the-science in atmospheric chemistry and meteorological processes. +
Developed from the National Dry Deposition Network (NDDN), CASTNET was established in 1991 under the Clean Air Act Amendments. CASTNET provides nationwide data for determining relationships between changes in emissions and any subsequent changes in air quality, atmospheric deposition, and ecological effects. The network has been a key assessment tool for tracking changes in SO2, NOx and O3 after implementation of the Acid Rain Program, NOx State Implementation Plan, and the NOx Budget Trading Program. +
In 2002, a steering committee composed of representatives from the EPA and the five Regional Planning Organizations (RPOs) – Western Regional Air Partnership (WRAP), Central Regional Air Planning Association (CENRAP), Midwest Regional Planning Organization (MRPO), Mid-Atlantic/Northeast Visibility Union (MANE-VU) and Visibility Improvement State and Tribal Association of the Southeast (VISTA) – decided to extend the contract between CIRA and the Western Governors Association (WGA) in order to develop and expand the existing WRAP online ambient monitoring database into a national system called the Visibility Information Exchange Web System (VIEWS). As a result, the VIEWS development team designed and implemented an improved database management system and a new website to serve as the foundational elements of VIEWS, based upon requirements and feedback from the VIEWS steering committee. Over the next few years the user base for VIEWS grew significantly, as did user requests for additional datasets and new functionality. Based largely upon its popularity and success within the general air quality community, VIEWS was selected by the WRAP in 2005 to serve as the foundational architecture and starting point for the development of the WRAP’s Technical Support System (TSS), a high-level planning and decision and support system intended to aid the development of state and tribal Implementation Plans in the WRAP as required by the Regional Haze Regulations. The TSS was built upon the database and software infrastructure of VIEWS, and the first version was launched in early 2007. The TSS is designed to be a portal to the technical data and analytical results prepared by WRAP Forums and Workgroups in support of the air quality planning needs of western state and tribes. These resources are maintained and updated to support the implementation of regional haze plans and other air quality analysis and management activities. +
The Data Centers were established in 1991 to support the Earth Observing System as part of NASA’s Earth Science Enterprise and the U.S. Global Change Research Program, and is part of the Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS). +
The EMF has been developed for internal EPA use to respond to needs for consistency, quality, and reproduceability that the agency has for air quality modeling. For example, we need to be able to reproduce (or provide documentation and metadata for) emissions modeling runs done months or years in the past for regulatory purposes. The data used for those runs may not be the "latest and greatest" data, thus, we need to be able to keep and quickly find and access the data actually used. We also need to be able to see and document updates to the data that have happened since runs had been done with older datasets. The EMF meets these sorts of needs. +
The Goddard Earth Science Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC) developed Giovanni to easily explore, inter-compare, and analyze data using only a Web browser. Giovanni employs scientifically valid algorithms and a rich schema for describing data parameters, a combination that provides users with scientifically meaningful results. This, sometimes subtle, distinction is often overlooked in other online data visualization and analysis tools. The current version of Giovanni, version 3, evolved from the successes of previous versions that emphasized a simple interface, rapid image rendering, and scientifically valid processing that correctly accounted for the algorithms employed (including underlying assumptions). Based on Common Gateway Interface (CGI) Perl scripts, HyperText Markup Language (HTML) templates, and GrADS (Grid Analysis and Display System) scripts, the early versions of Giovanni were enormously successful and deployments at the GES DISC quickly proliferated. Although successful, the architecture was based on old technology. The costs to maintain and extend Giovanni for new science driven requirements and for supporting standard interfaces and protocols became too great. As a result, a radical departure for a new Giovanni architecture was undertaken. The result was Giovanni, version 3. Giovanni is based on a services oriented architecture (SOA) supported by a workflow management system. It is designed to be extensible with respect to new science requirements and interoperable with standard protocols and data formats. +
The HEI Air Quality Database was originally made available in association with HEI's Request for Applications 05-1, Studies to Compare Components and Characteristics of Particulate Matter Associated with Health Effects, which was issued in the summer of 2005. Since then, the database continues to evolve in response to requests from the health community, for example, data on PM elements and carbon blanks have been made available. The database is updated approximately every six months using the most current data from the Air Quality System and other source databases. +
The Unidata IDD has been in operation on a 24x7 basis since 1995 when it replaced a real-time data delivery system that had been used a sideband on satellite TV broadcasts that were decoded by special receivers connectd to C-band receivers at user sites. The switch to IDD did away with the subscription fee which made it possible for many more sites to receive a greatly expanded menu data streams. In the last few years, the reach of the IDD has been expanded internationally and it is now being used to ship real time data in all directions among Central and South America, Europe, and a few sites in the Far East. The underlying LDM technology has been adopted by a number of different organizations to collect and disseminate their own data. Among them are the US National Weather Service which has established a collection system for the level II and level III radar data from all the NEXRAD sites. This replace the old tape-based system, greatly reducing the cost while dramatically increasing the reliability and cutting the collection time at NCDC to virtually zero. Using Unidata LDM technology , the Spanish and South Korean Weather Services have established their own internal IDD systems for internal data distribution. The THORPEX TIGGE groups are using this technology to move data among archive centers in China, Europe, and the US. The TIGGE ensemble forecasts amount to about 20 GB per hour moving on a regular basis among these centers. +