LI ProcessStep

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)


Information about an event or transformation in the life of a resource including the process used to maintain the resource

Use mrl:LE_ProcessStep if utilizing Imagery extensions
Elements Domain Definition and Recommended Practice Examples
1 mrl:description 1 gco:CharacterString General description of the events in the development of the resource. When the resource has a status of 'ongoing', this can be a summary of the workflow.
2 mrl:rationale 0..1 gco:CharacterString Purpose for performing the process on the resource.
3 mrl:stepDateTime 0..1 gml:TM_Primitive The date and time when the process was completed. Not applicable for resources with status of 'ongoing'.
4 mrl:processor 0..* cit:CI_Responsibility Individual and/or organization responsible for the process step. Use roleCode='processor'. Contact information is not necessary.
5 mrl:reference 0..* cit:CI_Citation Process step documentation
6 mrl:scope 0..1 mcc:MD_Scope Type of resource and/or extent to which the process step applies
7 mrl:source 0..* mrl:LI_Source Information on the inputs used in the development of the resource. Provide citations to the input data. This is especially valuable to processed satellite data and model output.


Information about an event or transformation in the life of a resource including the process used to maintain the resource

Use mrl:LI_ProcessStep if not utilizing Imagery extensions

LE_ProcessStep extends LI_ProcessStep by adding rows 8-10

Elements Domain Definition and Recommended Practice Examples
1 mrl:description 1 gco:CharacterString General description of the events in the development of the resource. When the resource has a status of 'ongoing', this can be a summary of the workflow.
2 mrl:rationale 0..1 gco:CharacterString Purpose for performing the process on the resource.
3 stepDateTime 0..1 gml:TM_Primitive The date and time when the process was completed. Not applicable for resources with status of 'ongoing'.
4 mrl:processor 0..* cit:CI_Responsibility Individual and/or organization responsible for the process step. Use roleCode='processor'. Contact information is not necessary.
5 mrl:reference 0..* cit:CI_Citation Process step documentation
6 mrl:scope 0..1 mcc:MD_Scope Type of resource and/or extent to which the process step applies
7 mrl:source 0..* mrl:LE_Source Information on the inputs used in the development of the resource. Provide citations to the input data. This is especially valuable to processed satellite data and model output.
8 mrl:processingInformation 0..1 mrl:LE_Processing Comprehensive information about the procedure by which the algorithm was applied to derive geographic data from the raw instrument measurements, such as datasets, software used, and the processing environment.
9 mrl:report 0..* mrl:LE_ProcessStepReport Report generated by the process step.
10 mrl:output 0..* mrl:LE_Source Description of the product generated as a result of the process step.

ISO Legend

Possible Parent Elements

ESIP-logo-tag sm-H.jpg

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