
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

Committee Meetings

The Education Committee's Monthly call is on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 2:00 PM Eastern.

To join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone, click: Or, you can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (646) 749-3131 Access Code: 577-716-565

Join the ESIP Education mailing list. : receives 3 -5 messages a month.

About ESIP's Education Committee

We are an all-volunteer open committee.

Implementation plans with ESIP strategic goals, committee objective and charge; and objectives for the year mentioned:

Get Involved

Current Projects

Out 2 Lunch Webinar Series

10 minute demonstrations of cool Earth Science data tools or resources.

Scientific Instrument Technology Long-Term Loan & Lending Library

Project to develop a long-term loan and a lending library of instruments which includes the low-cost, high-quality, hand-held, durable, Blue-tooth enabled, and programmable multi-sensor instruments.

ESIP Community Education Resources FactSheet

Upcoming Workshops

Previous Workshops

ESIP Education Workshop: Putting Data to Work for Earth Science Education at 2020 ESIP Summer Meeting

1pm - 5pm Tuesday July 14, 2020 & Wednesday July 15, 2020
Working information
Workshop Roadmap (agenda)
Workshop resources folder

Education sessions at 2020 ESIP Winter Meeting

Bethesda, MD
Wednesday, January 9, 2020
Session: Accelerating convergence of earth and space data in teaching and learning through participatory design
Session: Participatory design and evaluation of a 3D-Printed Automatic Weather Station to explore hardware, software and data needs for community-driven decision making
Meeting information
Tacoma, WA
Wednesday, July 17 2019
  • Previous Workshops
  • Educator's Workshop @ ESIP Summer Meeting, July 2019 - "Data in Action with Jupyter Notebooks and other Earth Science Tools"
Tuscon, AZ
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Presenter: Margaret Mooney, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) UW-Madison
Albuquerque, NM
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:30am-11:30am, July 17-19, 2017
Workshop resources: [2017 Drones in STEM]
Bloomington, IN
Thursday Jul 27, 2017
Workshop resources available on Figshare: [Drones, Data and The Great American Eclipse Teacher Workshop 2017]

Archive & Previous Projects

Archived Education Resources including conference posters and presentations, past initiatives, etc

Drones in STEM

Exploration of Coding "book-club"

ESIP Education Committee is starting a book club-style exploration of coding. The purpose is to explore the hype behind Hour of Code and other coding projects (Girls who code, etc) to find something we might harness as content for ESIP education workshops.