
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

Computing in the Classroom - Coding, Gadgets, and STEM

ESIP Education is pleased to offer a 1-day workshop focusing on computer tools that facilitate data exploration. Coding, and coding gadgets (example: Ozobot) are activities that function on levels just above programming yet employ similar critical thinking skills to enable digital data manipulation for specific results. Fifteen regional educators will receive a $200 time and travel stipend (plus complimentary registration to join the ESIP education community at this stimulating hands-on workshop. The core agenda of this Wednesday July 18th Educator workshop is as follows:

Date: Wednesday, July 18, 2018

11:00 - Welcome and ESIP overview: Shelley Olds
11:15 - Coding: Becky Reid
1:00 - LUNCH (at educator tables)
2:00 – Coding Gadgets: Kalo Haslem - each teacher will receive a ‘gadget’ (tbd) to take back to their classroom.
3:30 – Break
3:45 – Cool STEM data tools – 10-minute data resource talks
UNAVCO Velocity Viewer: Shelley Olds
CIMSS GOES-16/17 Virtual Science Fair: Margaret Mooney
NOAA Climate Explorer and Data Snapshots: LuAnn Dahlman
SEDAC Map Viewer: Robert Downs
ESIP/UCAR Drone Resources: Shelley Olds & LuAnn Dahlman
4:45 – Brainstorming session. Collaborate on ideas to integrate tools into classroom teaching.
5:15 - Drone raffle (2 teachers will take home a recreational drone!)
5:20 - Evaluation and wrap-up
5:30 – Adjourn
The Educator workshop is one portion of the larger ESIP 2018 Summer Meeting.
For complimentary registration (thanks to NOAA) just identify yourself as a teacher when registering. Participating teachers are warmly invited and strongly encouraged to attend additional sessions of the ESIP summer meeting, especially
Research as Art Reception, Tuesday evening
Opening Plenary, Wednesday morning
ESIP 20th Anniversary Celebration, Wednesday evening
FUNding Friday competition, Friday morning
To learn more about the ESIP Education Computing in the Classroom initiative, tune in to the spring 2018 ‘Out 2 Lunch’ webinar series, or watch recorded sessions on-line!