Discovery Telecon 2011-12-13
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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- Tuesday, December 13, 2011. 4:00pm ET / 1:00pm PT
- WebEx Info:
- Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): 1-877-668-4493
- Attendee access code: 231 407 50
- To start the online portion of the Personal Conference meeting , go to and select the Discovery Cluster meeting.
Recap of today's earlier telecon on OGC OSGeo
- The addition of namespace-specific attributes (e.g., esip:subrel) is problematic because mass-market tools (e.g., Firefox, OpenLayers) will not understand them and have little motivation for changing to understand them.
- If we confine ourselves to the IANA names, then data service protocols like OPeNDAP present a problem because they can present the data in a number of forms. This leaves only the mime-type to work with as a standard attribute.
- There may be some way of working out these options at the <entry> level, but we need an example to demonstrate how this might be done.
- Alternatively, perhaps we could put enough information in the mime-type using the '+'. Following the Open Search Description Document, which is "application/opensearchdescription+xml", we would have, e.g., "application/opendap+x-netcdf".
Finalizing the planning for the ESIP Winter sessions
Workshop Session
- Discovery Workshop on Thursday, January 5, 2012 at 2:00pm-3:30pm Track 3.
- Ruth: Want to make clear that the session is focused for making progress. not a tutorial session.
- Interoperability for OGC services
- George and Pedro are probably not going to be there.
- George and Nadine are going ot be there one day only.
- should ESIP follow the OGC route?
- Interoperability for OpenSearch in various types of casting
- e.g., forming relations between casts
- Ideally would like to strawman alternatives for discussion
- Jeff McWhirter: has search framework for custom fields
- Eric Rozell: has faceted browsing interface framework
- Ruth: plans/outline of valid parameter specification
- Brian: custom query parameters
- Chris: OGC
- Ruth and Brian: Interoperability for OpenSearch in various types of casting
- Ruth: Comparison of NSIDC casting interoperability solution and DCP-3
- Hook: Error-handling for Discovery services
- decided to focus on 2 topics for this session (based on previous poll)
- Interoperability for OGC services (Chris)
- Interoperability for OpenSearch in various types of casting (Brian and Ruth)
Planning Session
- Planning Workshop on Friday, January 6, 2012 at 10:30am-12:00pm Track 3
- Need to determine a prioritized set of possible topics to work on for remainder of the year.
- DCP-3
- Testbed
- types of casting. relationship of casting.
- Specifying new or application-specific fields
- Faceting
- Consistent error handling
- Client developments
- Server developments
- Leveraging the testbed
Discovery testbed updates
- draft Discovery Testbed Work Plan posted for review.
- Note there will be an ESIP Testbed Session at the ESIP 2012 Winter meeting.
ESIP Collaboration Area Semi-Annual Evaluations (for Discovery)
- Go over questions and answers for Semi-Annual evaluation form for Discovery Cluster 2011
- What were the main accomplishments and activities of this group over the last six months to a year?
- Submitted Discovery white paper to the NSF EarthCube Charrette.
- Discovery Change Proposals (DCP) for new conventions. DCP-1, DCP-2, and DCP-3.
- Evangelizing Discovery services. Many data centers adopting Discovery type services.
- What is the group working on now?
- Current activities include: working on community conventions (e.g. DCP-3), OGC convergence, interoperability, and Discovery Testbed.
- How is the work the group did supported? (ESIP-funded, external funding, time, computing resources)
- ACCESS, NSF, ESIP Products and Service Committee
- Do you work with other organizations (GEO, OGC, etc.) or other clusters? Is this primarily in a supporting role, peer-to-peer, or leadership relationship? How do you engage new members?
- Coordinate with ESDSWG Tech Infusion. Interoperability and Services working group.
- ESIP Product and Service Committee funding the testbed.
- Interoperability discussions with OGC OSGeo.
- A few recent AGU FM11 talks heavily mentioned ESIP activities.
- What are your goals for the next year?
- Goals include further agreeing on community conventions and resolving current interoperability issues. For example, DCP-3, types of casting, relationship of casting, specifying new or application-specific fields, client developments, server developments, and leveraging the testbed.
- Do you anticipate needing resources or funding for these activities? If so, approximately how much?
- Currently many are relying on soft funds for these activities. Also relying on the Discovery Testbed for compliance and interoperability testing.
- Is there anything that the staff or ESIP leadership could do to better support your group?
- Can possibly help to provide Discovery "swag" at ESIP meetings to spread the world. There is a working group under the Educational Committee that can help with in-reach and out-reach.
- What were the main accomplishments and activities of this group over the last six months to a year?
Action Items
- Complete filling out the Semi-Annual evaluation form for Discovery Cluster 2011 (Hook)
- Post 2012 Winter meeting session details (Hook)
- Review and update draft of Discovery Testbed Work Plan (all)
- Hook Hua (JPL)
- Chris Lynnes (GSFC)
- Christine White (Esri)
- Ruth Duerr (NSIDC)
- Curt Tilmes (GSFC)
- Carol (ESIP)
- Eric Rozell (RPI)
- Brian Wilson (JPL)