Discovery Cluster 2011

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

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Group: Discovery Cluster
Contact Person: Hook Hua and Chris Lynnes
Contact e-mail:

  1. What were the main accomplishments and activities of this group over the last six months to a year? (List successes or highlights from the group. List links tangible outputs/work products, if available)
    (1) Cluster submitted Discovery white paper to the NSF EarthCube Charrette. (2) Discovery Change Proposals (DCP) for new conventions, such as DCP-1, DCP-2, and DCP-3. (3) Evangelizing Discovery services. Many data centers adopting Discovery type services.
  2. What is the group working on now?
    Current activities include: working on community conventions (e.g. DCP-3), OGC convergence, interoperability, and Discovery Testbed.
  3. How is the work the #Group did supported? (ESIP-funded, external funding, time, computing resources)
    ACCESS, NSF, ESIP Product and Service Committee
  4. Do you work with other organizations (GEO, OGC, etc.) or other clusters? Is this primarily in a supporting role, peer-to-peer, or leadership relationship? How do you engage new members?
    (1) Coordinate with ESDSWG Tech Infusion. Interoperability and Services working group. (2) ESIP Product and Service Committee funding the testbed. (3) Interoperability discussions with OGC OSGeo. (4) A few recent AGU FM11 talks heavily mentioned ESIP activities.
  5. What are your goals for the next year?
    Goals include further agreeing on community conventions and resolving current interoperability issues. For example, DCP-3, types of casting, relationship of casting, specifying new or application-specific fields, client developments, server developments, and leveraging the testbed.
  6. Do you anticipate needing resources or funding for these activities? If so, approximately how much?
    Currently many are relying on soft funds for these activities. Also relying on the Discovery Testbed for compliance and interoperability testing.
  7. Is there anything that the staff or ESIP leadership could do to better support your group?
    Can possibly help to provide Discovery "swag" at ESIP meetings to spread the world. There is a working group under the Educational Committee that can help with in-reach and out-reach.
  8. Any other comments?
    None to report