Discovery Cluster 2011
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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Group: Discovery Cluster
Contact Person: Hook Hua and Chris Lynnes
Contact e-mail:
- What were the main accomplishments and activities of this group over the last six months to a year? (List successes or highlights from the group. List links tangible outputs/work products, if available)
- (1) Cluster submitted Discovery white paper to the NSF EarthCube Charrette. (2) Discovery Change Proposals (DCP) for new conventions, such as DCP-1, DCP-2, and DCP-3. (3) Evangelizing Discovery services. Many data centers adopting Discovery type services.
- What is the group working on now?
- Current activities include: working on community conventions (e.g. DCP-3), OGC convergence, interoperability, and Discovery Testbed.
- How is the work the #Group did supported? (ESIP-funded, external funding, time, computing resources)
- ACCESS, NSF, ESIP Product and Service Committee
- Do you work with other organizations (GEO, OGC, etc.) or other clusters? Is this primarily in a supporting role, peer-to-peer, or leadership relationship? How do you engage new members?
- (1) Coordinate with ESDSWG Tech Infusion. Interoperability and Services working group. (2) ESIP Product and Service Committee funding the testbed. (3) Interoperability discussions with OGC OSGeo. (4) A few recent AGU FM11 talks heavily mentioned ESIP activities.
- What are your goals for the next year?
- Goals include further agreeing on community conventions and resolving current interoperability issues. For example, DCP-3, types of casting, relationship of casting, specifying new or application-specific fields, client developments, server developments, and leveraging the testbed.
- Do you anticipate needing resources or funding for these activities? If so, approximately how much?
- Currently many are relying on soft funds for these activities. Also relying on the Discovery Testbed for compliance and interoperability testing.
- Is there anything that the staff or ESIP leadership could do to better support your group?
- Can possibly help to provide Discovery "swag" at ESIP meetings to spread the world. There is a working group under the Educational Committee that can help with in-reach and out-reach.
- Any other comments?
- None to report