Solta 2011 Workshop Participants

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

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Below is a list of 40 participants of the Solta 2011 workshop. We anticipate that about 20-25 participants will attend the workshop in Croatia. Others will participate through the video and phone connection that will be available. The list also contain members of agencies including program managers who may not be part of the workshop but have expressed interest in the air quality data networking process and the workshop outcome.

For purposes of introduction, the participants are grouped into six color coded groups based under "specialty" from the perspective of this meeting.

Group I (Blue)consist of contributors to interoperability standards and arrangements. Group II consist of software engineers who have implimented standards based services at their respective data hubs

Explanation of who.. virtual WS physical. As of June 17, about 65% physical, 20% virtual, 15% uncertain