HTAP Data Network Pilot
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
'''[[GEO Task DA-09-02d: Atmospheric Model Evaluation Network]]'''
* Initial Activities for Task DA 0902d
* Initiatives Supported by GEO Task DA-09-02d
* Relationship to GEOSS
AQ Data Network: Background, Status
- HTAP Network Pilot Nodes
- FZ Jülich
- DataFed - Federated Data System
- Giovanni HTAP
- NEISGEI Emission
- Other Nodes: AQS, RSIG, VIEWS
Standards and Conventions for WCS Server
- Interoperability Stack
- netCDF Data Model
- CF Conventions
- CF Naming Conventions for Atmospheric Chemistry
- CF Coordinate Conventions
- WCS Standard
- ISO 19115
- WCS Server for CF-netCDF Grid Data Type
- Description of Grid Data Server Components
- Implementation of WCS Server for CF-netCDF Grid Data
- WCS Server for Station-Point Data Type
- Description of Station-Point Data Server Components
- Implementation of WCS Server for Station-Point Data
- Additional Services
- Hosting the Open-Source WCS Server Project at SourceForge