Standards Implementation Virtual Workshops
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A series of "virtual workshops" are being organized in order to help the air quality community establish best practices and conventions for implementing data format and exchange standards (e.g., netCDF-CF and OGC WCS)in order to advance the level of interoperability among air quality information systems and projects.
The objectives of the virtual workshops are to
- publish and expose existing services from multiple providers,
- compare standards implementations, explore differences, address challenges and reconcile differences in implementations
- agree on 'AQ Community' conventions and define guidance that harmonize the implementation of standards-based services
The concept of the virtual workshops is to foster interaction among the air quality community through semi-formal workshops that take advantage of remote meeting technologies and allow productive exchanges among the participants while residing in distributed physical locations.
What's New
Background on Interoperability of Data Systems |
Virtual Workshop 1March 5, 2010 AIRNowData being servedData formats usedTypes of web services implemented
Draft list and documentation: Access to web servicesinclude access points such as GetCapabilities or example data access requests (e.g., GetCoverage) Issues and questions
AIP Description of Services
AIP Description of Projects Involved with (How do the services fit into existing projects already?)
People This is an open project and if you are interested in contributing to the technical . Register on this ESIP wiki to contribute content, discussions, or modify the page and click the "watch" tab.