Subcommittee on Interoperability

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

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Subcommittee on Interoperability - post EPA Summit

Following the group recommendation at the March 12 telecon, it was recommended that a subcommittee be formed on interoperability of data systems to address the diversity of interoperable data standards and to make recommendations. Several volunteers agreed to participate, including: David McCabe, Steve Young, Nick Mangus, Tim Dye, and Rudy Husar. The interested data systems should monitor the activities of the interoperability group. The initial activities of the group should include:

  1. identify interoperability standards and methods,
  2. test, apply and move forward,
  3. build on ESIP and GEO.

Here is a screencast on DataFed WCS (5 min WCS, 4 min DataFed app). Also , here is a paper on the topic, and the related PPT. To see WCS live, select a dataset from the DataFed catalog. and then click on the WCS button in the second column, say on the AirNow tabular data WCS link. In the Format field select CSV Table. Click on GetCoverage and a CSV table is returned ... Your browser may invoke Excel to show the table.