Summer 2007 Session: Air quality cluster meeting
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
The primary objective of the air quality cluster session at the summer meeting is to define next steps in ESIP air quality activities. This session is aimed at complementing the Air Quality Interoperability Experiments,Applying Service-Oriented Architecture Concepts to USGEO Near-Term Opportunities and Evaluating Sensor Webs for Earth Science Applications sessions.
Topics include:
- Introduction to new participants
- Brad Pierce, NOAA NESDIS
- Glynis Lough, AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow, US EPA Office of Air & Radiation, EPA OAR Challenges
- What are the key gaps to interoperability among air quality projects and initiatives?
- Data Interoperability
- Common multidimensional data access
- Well described data formats (e.g., netCDF-CF)
- Metadata Interoperability
- How to capture and provide lineage (reproducing the value added chain)
- AQ Ontology
- Catalog Interoperability
- Federated catalogs - enter data/service in one registry/catalog, accessible by all
- Application Interoperability
- common clients (e.g., GoogleEarth)
- web service protocols
- web service chaining (workflows)
- Project Interoperability
- Project Profiles
- Project relationships
- Data Interoperability
- Work with EPA, NASA and NOAA and other government agency representatives in supporting interoperable air quality networks
- How to interact with and use the EIE portal and its air quality portlet.
- Other use cases needed by the air quality community that could be addressed
- Funding Opportunities
- NSF Cyberinfrastructure Community-based Data Interoperability Networks (INTEROP)
- Other topics of interest to the cluster (feel free to edit this wiki page with your ideas and suggestions)
Interested? Add you name below. Contact: Stefan Falke,
- Stefan Falke
- Brad Pierce
- Glynis Lough
- Phil Yang
- Phil Dickerson