NSF Cyberinfrastructure Community-based Interoperability Networks
The program supports the formation of community-based Data Interoperability Networks, groups that enable communities to work together in the development of effective data interoperability strategies.
...supports community efforts to provide for broad interoperability through the development of mechanisms such as robust data and metadata conventions, ontologies, and taxonomies. Support is provided for Data Interoperability Networks that will be responsible for consensus-building activities and for providing the expertise necessary to turn the consensus into technical standards with associated implementation tools and resources.
Estimated Number of Awards: 10 - Approximately 10 awards in each of the fiscal years 2008, 2009, and 2010 subject to the quality of proposals received and pending the availability of funds
Anticipated Funding Amount: $250,000 - Awards may be up to $250,000 total costs per year for three to five years.
Submission Date: August 23, 2007
Responsibilities of the Networks: Each Network holds dual responsibilities for:
- enabling broad community engagement in the development of consensus and agreement on strategies, priorities, and best approaches for achieving broad interoperability; and
- providing the technical expertise necessary to turn consensus and agreement into robust interoperability frameworks along with the appropriate tools and resources for their broad use and implementation.
International participation anticipated but cannot be funded with NSF funds
An ESIP Air Quality INTEROP Network can provide community based development in:
- an air quality ontology
- common data formats (e.g., netCDF - CF convention)
- interoperable data access (e.g., Web Coverage Service)
- support to, and partnering with, USGEO, IGEO and GEOSS Pilots