Summer 2007 Session: Evaluating Sensor Webs for Earth Science Applications

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

Evaluating Sensor Webs for Earth Science Applications

NASA’s Earth Science Technology Office initiated a technology development program in FY07 to evolve the concepts of sensor networks, goal-driven autonomy and model-based data acquisition in what might be called sensor webs. Leveraging protocol standards (such as OGC SWE), technology for smart sensors (e.g. FPGA, autonomous control software), and forecasting systems, the ESTO researchers are just beginning to advance their specific sensor web components and/or systems. This session will provide a forum to discuss how the sensor web applications might interact with ESIPs to collaborate on sharing data sets or data processing services to achieve complementary goals.

A companion Sensor Web tutorial is planned for July 17 to provide the background on the features and benefits of a sensor web architecture. Information is available at

The goal of this session is to jointly explore potential scenarios, or use cases, where sensor web architectures can provide an advantage to earth science research and/or applications. The discussion can address specific known sensors, data sets and/or services/processing software.

Who should attend? • Users with research or application scenarios • Data providers • Service providers • Sensor web technology proponents

Contact: Karen Moe [Karen.L.Moe AT]

Add your name below if you are interested:

  • Stefan Falke
  • Jeff Arnfield

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