May 2017
May 2017
Members (BOLD means they were on the call)
Emily Law, President
Christine White, Vice President
Helen Conover, Chair, Finance
Danie Kinkade, Chair, Partnership
Mike Daniels, Chair, Governance
Matt Mayernik, Chair, Data Stewardship
Shelley Olds, Chair, Education
Rich Signell, Chair, IT & I
Tracey Pilone, Chair, Nominations
Soren Scott, Chair, Products and Services
Beth Huffer, Chair, Semantic Technologies
Others on the call: Erin Robinson, Bruce Caron, Annie Burgess
Approval of Minutes - MIke Daniels Moved, Rich Signell Seconded,
President’s Report
Board: A special board meeting was held on April 25 to discuss process needed to endorse ESIP products (such as best practices). Draft proposed process:
Program Committee to review and approve for RFC.
After community comment period, Assembly will vote for non-binding endorsement with simply majority for yes/no/abstain.
Governance Committee will document this process which will then be approved by the Board.
Software Guideline: It was determined that the Research Software Guideline will be ready for Assembly vote after adding an executive summary (see link below). Soren was asked to provide that.
ISRSE-37 - Emily is attending the International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment at Tshwane, South Africa. Will support the first day of GEO Work Program Symposium on behalf of ESIP.
Staff Report
Summer Meeting:
Raskin Scholarship call went out; We have a few candidates
Travel for Summer Meeting email sent by Annie Keyes. Please make travel arrangements by May 17 (next week).
Draft Schedule posted for comments on conflicts.
ESIP was represented at DOE meeting (thanks, Tracey), Sage Assembly and National Academy of Sciences Ocean Studies Board;
Internal: Transitioning towards holacracy and a more role based organization. Working on our financial systems - please submit invoices and travel reimbursement to
NASA and USGS proposals are in progress for FY18 funding.
NASA Draft: workshop proposal
Looking for Letters of Affirmation for NASA proposal. Program Committee chairs can help provide these.
Slack vs. Email - Is it ok to just post Program Committee reminders to Slack or do you all want email reminder too? Olds and Signell were in favor of Slack. Scott prefers email.
Figshare ESIP portal is coming along. Figshare is refactoring some of the features over the summer. Working from a content logic that members own their own content and this is linked to the ESIP repository. Bruce will check on having ESIP be one of the publishers/contributors in the DOI metadata. Mayernik suggested that both input capabilities would be more useful than just one.
PROV challenge is underway… feel free to add your ideas, your comments, and your votes.
New cluster is forming: ESIP open community governance support for an Earth Science pre-print service, on an OSF platform. Tom Narock is one of the chairs.
Committee Reports
Data Stewardship
A number of Summer Meeting sessions submitted.
Op-Ed article on “data rescue” written for a popular press venue. Submitted to NYT, but not accepted. Committee is now discussing potential next options. Op-Ed draft here.
Products & Services
Finished draft of FUNding Friday rules revisions [ Q: is there a process, place, format for these committee docs? I did not see anything at this level in the Governance discussions. ], Daniels will add these as an appendix.
updated the voting process based on feedback from community members last two Summer Meetings.
Executive Summary for the Software Guidelines (as PDF).
Previous Tech Dive Webinar: 13 April 2017: "Processing Planetary-Scale Data in the Cloud": Drew Bollinger, Development Seed
Next Tech Dive Webinar: 11 May 2017: “TerriaJS: A Free Open-Source Library for Building Web-based Geospatial Data Explorers”: Kevin Ring, Data61/CSIRO, Australia
Working with Unidata to enable simulation modeling workflow on NSF JetStream Cloud, integrating CSW services with their THREDDS instance, deployed with Docker. See this example of JetStream Cloud THREDDS WMS service in TerriaJS (spin the globe!). Next step is installing JupyterHub -- If anyone has experience setting up JupyterHub with docker, we could use some help! Will pursue this through Slack, future webinars, and possible Summer meeting unconference session.
Using Recreational Drones for STEM Explorations Workshop (three half-day sessions) @ Earth Educator Rendezvous is a go! We have 25 participants signed up so far.
Drones, Data, and the Great American Eclipse Workshop (one day) @ ESIP summer meeting is a go! And is filled @ 16 teachers. If there are available funds, we could expand to 20 teachers.
Work with partners at UCAR SciEd continues to publish eBook contents “Got a Drone, Try this” using their web-infrastructure. Example page. Timeline: Content to be available by early July. [Broadcast through the Monday update]
Developing brief survey to ESIP members (ESIP-All, slack) to identify top-level education resource page, type(s) of resources, target constituents, etc. The goal is to provide better visibility of the education and outreach the ESIP community offers rather than a 'library' with detail of each resource. Will be a bitly link available at the ESIP Summer Meeting
Semantic Tech
Link to 2017 Work Plan:
We had a discussion at our last meeting with Pier Luigi Buttigieg and Chris Mundall about a possible collaboration with ESIP to align the ENVO ontology with the SWEET ontology. It’s not clear yet what such an alignment might look like, but we agreed that we should explore this. It was widely agreed that it will be important to establish a community of experts to help with any work done on SWEET, whether independently or in collaboration with ENVO.
We are thinking about how to evangelize semantics and semantic technologies to a wider community of interest. We plan to have speakers presenting their work in semantics throughout the year and will identify appropriate communities of interest to invite to these presentations to try to reach audiences beyond the Sem Tech Committee members themselves. In connection with this outreach effort, we are interested in identifying proactive steps that can be taken by communities to implement some of the recommendations that come from ESDS Working Groups, RDA Working Groups and Interest Groups, and other best practices recommendations (e.g., Google recommendations).
Finance and Appropriations Committee
Face-to-face meeting (Helen, James, LiPing, Bruce) at ESDSWG meeting March 22
Reviewed and approved three requests for travel funding for external speakers at Summer Meeting sessions
Science Communication Cluster workshop
Education Committee’s session on Drones & Data (request later rescinded)
Ruth Duerr for citations session
Process documents posted for review to ESIP Policies & Procedures folder
Work progressing on the Policies and Procedures Outline. Each committee member has been assigned a section of the outline. Erin created a separate folder to link to and hold the completed documents (linked above).
Our next telecon is May 16. By then I’d estimate we will have the draft of the P&P document about ~50% complete.
Will be reviewing Raskin Scholarship nominations in next few weeks.
Seven new membership applications are up for review until 1 June, then 30 day vote period for Assembly. Member applicant information is available on the Partnership wiki.
Partnership is discussing a possible survey of the Assembly to get a sense of membership satisfaction of ESIP services, and poll what members want to get out of their engagement with ESIP. This idea sprung from a Partnership discussion on the non-standardized ratio of member organization size to voting rep numbers/organization. The committee was concerned about ability of all members in larger organizations to be able to participate in (travel to) ESIP. After discussion with Bruce, it was understood that generally, voting rep number per org has not been an issue. The concern is more focused around membership rates for travel to ESIP meetings. The committee then discussed if Partnership could facilitate a deeper reach into its member organizations to facilitate engagement of all organizational members as desired/allowed by a particular organization. Partnership is in the process of further defining this idea including what types of information it would want to obtain from its membership and how that information could be used to help make membership and engagement more meaningful for individuals of large or small orgs. Such an activity would wait until after governance activities are complete.
Doing the survey: as an every couple-year activity to keep in touch with member needs and ideas, and to also engage inactive members, and to keep some longitudinal record.
The committee working with Bruce to invite three NASA DAACs to become ESIP members, outside of the usual membership application process. This is in line with historical precedent of inviting DAACs to become members. The three listed below were designated as DAACs since the original invitation to all data centers in 2001.
OB.DAAC (Ocean Biology)
CDDIS (Crustal Dynamics)
LAADS (MODIS Level 1 and Atmosphere Archiving and Distribution System)
Partnership is also working on documenting its committee workflow for application review and will be ready to link this ‘SOP’ document to the broader P&P governance document once completed.
Other Business
Process for showcasing ESIP products
Tools, guidelines, best-practices, other accomplishments
Website and social media
ESIP Stories - plan to move forward
Highlights success
The plan (link above) helps to organize the process and provides prompts for gathering stories. The plan is an open doc (please contribute).