MI Metadata2

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Elements Definition and Recommended Practice
1 metadataIdentifier 0..* Code that uniquely identifies this metadata record, assigned and maintained by the custodian of the metadata record. Recommended Practice: value of identifier is usually the same as the name of the metadata file - for example C00500.xml. There are two general approaches to ensuring uniqueness for these identifiers: 1. use a universal unique identifier (UUID), to distinguish it from other resources. 2. Include a namespace and a code guarenteed to be unique in that namespace in the identifier. For example: gov.noaa.class:AERO100. In this case gov.noaa.class is a namespace and AERO100 is a code guaranteed to be unique in that namespace
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2 defaultLocale 0..* Default language, country of origin and characterSet used in metadata. Locale is mandatory when more than one language is used in free text descriptions
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9 alternativeMetadataReference 0..* Citation to alternative metadata for the resource.
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10 otherLocale 0..* Alternative language, country of origin and characterSet used in metadata.
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11 metadataLinkage 0..* Online location information for the metadata.
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3 parentMetadata 0..* Citation to a parent level metadata record
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4 metadataScope 0..* Scope of resource to which the metadata applies. Now includes an MD_ScopeCode and a name for a hierarchy level. Repeat if more than one scope is applicable to this metadata description.
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5 contact 1..* Individual and/or organization responsible for metadata creation and maintenance. Use roleCode="pointOfContact". Provide contact details, such address, phone and email.
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6 dateInfo 1..* Date of last metadata update. Highly recommend revisiting the metadata content annually to ensure that all the information is still relevant. Use ISO 8601 extended format: YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.
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7 metadataStandard 0..* Citation of the metadata standard used.
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8 metadataProfile 0..* Citation of the profile(s) of the metadata standard used.
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