
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

California Smoke Information Resources through Web2.0 -- Rhusar 03:52, 24 October 2007 (EDT)

Note sent to ESIP. Dear ESIP-All: This is cordial invitation to the ESIP community (esp. AQ cluster) to contribute web links related to the smoke from the current Southern California fires. These web resources will subsequently be used by the community to describe and to quantify this Exceptional Air Quality Event. An evolving ESIP wiki page serves as the aggregator of web resources collected through 'social software', including DEL.ICIO.US for social bookmarking, Flickr for images, Google for images, news and general web, Technorati for blogs, YouTube for videos. If you have an interesting web link on the smoke, you are encouraged to use one of these sharing services. Applying a common tag 071022SoCalSmoke will allow automatic harvesting by aggregators . However, if you prefer, just email me the link(s). Thanks in advance for considering this social/scientific experience. May a better understanding of these smoke events and possibly of Web2.0 be your reward. Regards, Rhusar 03:52, 24 October 2007 (EDT)