Sustainable Data Management/20161209 telcon notes

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

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  1. summaries/progress from the three subgroups:
    1. ROI
      1. ESIP session:
      2. Winter 2017 workshop
    2. Landscape
    3. CTV
  2. AGU
    1. events/items we should anticipate hearing about?


Present: Bruce Caron, Margaret O'Brien, Corinna Gries, Bob Downs, Shelley Stall

Regrets: Nancy (recording started at h:08)


  1. ROI
    1. ESIP session
      1. url:
      2. Ruth and Bob to finalize speakers at AGU next week.
    2. Winter 2017 workshop
      1. participants settled: Philip, Kerstin, Nancy, Margaret, Bob, Anne, Rebecca K, Sophie (or other from NCAR), Cyndy, Corinna
      2. logistics out next week
      3. dates: Wed-Fri 2017-01-25 to 2017-01-27 (travel Tue & Fri)
      4. workshop product:
        1. develop framework with criteria to describe return on investment, based on literature reviewed by the ROI group (see resources page) and presentations at ESIP winter meeting.
        2. Bob will present results of the winter ESIP session (actual measures in use for scientific data services).
  2. Landscape
  3. CTV