Sustainable Data Management/20161209 telcon notes

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)


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  1. summaries/progress from the three subgroups:
    1. ROI
      1. ESIP session:
      2. Winter 2017 workshop
    2. Landscape
    3. CTV
  2. AGU
    1. events/items we should anticipate hearing about?


Present: Bruce Caron, Margaret O'Brien, Corinna Gries, Bob Downs, Shelley Stall

Regrets: Nancy (recording started at h:08)


  1. ROI
    1. ESIP session
      1. url:
      2. Ruth and Bob to finalize speakers at AGU next week.
    2. Winter 2017 workshop
      1. participants settled: Philip, Kerstin, Nancy, Margaret, Bob, Anne, Rebecca K, Sophie (or other from NCAR), Cyndy, Corinna
      2. logistics out next week
      3. dates: Wed-Fri 2017-01-25 to 2017-01-27 (travel Tue & Fri)
      4. workshop product:
        1. develop framework with criteria to describe return on investment, based on literature reviewed by the ROI group (see resources page) and presentations at ESIP winter meeting.
        2. Bob will present results of the winter ESIP session (actual measures in use for scientific data services).
        3. Shelley: question from Rama: at winter ESIP, is anyone presenting on the % of data in a repo that has potential future value.
        4. links, please for:
          1. TOP:
          2. make data FAIR (findable, accessible, interop, resuable):
          3. preservation (OAIS):
          4. so if data complies with these guidelines, it is ready for the future (even if you don't know what problem will be solved with this data)
          5. Shelley: possibly an analogy in agriculture.
          6. another concept to incorporate is appreciation (in the financial investments sense). eg, that data increase in value.
        5. currency is NOT dollars. might be
          1. data sets used to get new grants funded.
          2. policy development?
          3. is the data FAIR, to answer researcher needs
  2. Landscape
    1. we are following the work of Copdess, re3data - who are enhancing the data center registry,
    2. our interestes are one of their use cases
    3. action item: review draft sent by Michael, respond to him if any problems.
  3. CTV
    1. another workshop funded by Corinna's EAGER funding in the works
    2. see the earthcube architecture docs.
    3. dates will be April 11-12, in Santa Barbara at NCEAS.

From Bruce: This is coming out on Monday: "Webinars on FAIR Data in Trustworthy Data Repositories ESIP members are kindly invited to the webinars on FAIR Data in Trustworthy Data Repositories co-organised by DANS, EUDAT & OpenAIRE. Dates: Monday 12 December 15.00 hours CET Tuesday 13 December 10.00 hours CET Registration is open to everyone For more information visit

The webinars will discuss:

General understanding of the FAIR principles General understanding of core requirements for trustworthy digital repositories Introduction to a possible way of operationalizing the FAIR principles In addition, the presenters would highly appreciate feedback from the audience on key points related to the topic and encourage exchange and questions.