NSF Air Quality Observatory Proposal

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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Links to: Air Quality Cluster > AQO Proposal Main Page > Proposal | Proposal Discussion| NSF Solicitation | NSF Solicitation Discussion | People

This wiki is devoted to the preparation for a proposal 'Air Quality Observatory (AQO) Prototype', NSF solicitation: Cyberinfrastructure for Environmental Observatories. This experiment in open collaborative proposal writing is facilitated by the ESIP wiki; their support is appreciated. To participate, click on "create account or log in" in the upper right corner and you can begin to create or edit pages and discuss items by clicking the edit tab. To practice editing, take a few minutes playing in the Sandbox. A good way to start is by scanning and possibly contributing to the Discussion on the 12 NSF Requirements stated in the solicitation. For questions or problems, please contact the moderator.

What's New - Final Proposal PDF

This wiki is now defunct. During its productive life cycle, Jan 15-25 2006, it was the workspace for the collaborative writing of the AQO proposal. Comments are still welcome.

View AQ Observatory Proposal

  1. Project Summary
  2. NSF and Related Projects
  3. Technical Merit
  4. Broader Impact
    1. Impact on Cyberinfrastructure
    2. Impact on Air Quality Management
    3. Impact on Atmospheric Science
  5. Project Description: Air Quality Observatory (AQO)
    1. Introduction
    2. Interoperability_Infrastructure
      1. Current Infrastructure
      2. Extending Current Infrastructure
      3. New Activities Extending the Infrastructure
    3. Protoype Air Quality Observatory
      1. Extending Current Prototype
      2. New Prototyping Activities
    4. Use Cases for Prototype Demonstration
    5. Observatory Guiding Principles, Governance, Personnel
    6. Activity Schedule
  6. References Cited
  7. Biographical Sketches
  8. Collaborators and Other Personnel


NSF Solicitation

  1. Env. Observatories
  2. Example Challenges
  3. More NSF Guidance
  4. NSF Requirements


Please comment on any of the 12 NSF Requirements - this blog will be harvested for proposal ideas.


Checkmark.pngJan 12,06: 1st team coord.
Checkmark.pngJan 16,06: prop wiki ready!
Checkmark.pngJan 19,06: support letter req.
Checkmark.pngJan 20,06: first full draft 0.1
Checkmark.pngJan 23,06: subcontr, budgets
Checkmark.pngJan 23,06: draft 0.8,
Checkmark.pngJan 23-25: complete & polish

Checkmark.pngJan 25,06: Due date





Proposal in a Nutshell:
Topic: Air Quality Observatory (AQO): Protoype based on Modular Service-based Infrastructure
IT Infrastructure: Standard Data & Tools Sharing || Orchestration of Distributed Apps || Communication, Cooperation, Coord.
AQO Prototype: DataFed extensions || THREDDS extensions || DataFEd/THEDDS fusion || Link to GIS || Community work space
Use Cases:Realtime AQ Event Detection, Analysis and Response || Intracontinental Transport || Midwest Nitrate Mystery
Management:CAPITA/Unidata, Collaborators Team || Multi-agency and Project Particpation || ESIP Facilitation