January 5, 2012

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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< January 4 > January 6

Thursday, January 5, 2012
Time Session Details Location
7:00 Registration Desk Open New Hamphsire Foyer
7:45 - 8:30 Proposed ESIP Membership Tiers: Breakfast Discussion New Hampshire
8:45 -9:30 Adrian Gardner, CIO, NASA Goddard, Data Access and Storage of Earth Science Data in the Cloud – Experiments in Collaboration, (Slides) New Hampshire
9:30 - 10:15 William Gunn, Mendeley Ltd., Mendeley's Evolving Network of Expertise (Slides) New Hampshire
10:15 - 10:45 Break New Hamphsire Foyer
11:00 - 12:30 2012 Annual Business Meeting New Hampshire
12:30 - 2:00 Lunch with talk Ed Maibach, Director, Center for Climate Change Communication (4C), Professor, GMU, "Engaging the public in earth sciences: Five Guiding Principles" (Slides) City Center
2:00 - 3:30 NASA Cloud Computing Panel Potomac
Energy: Dynamic Decision Tools Catalog and Community of Practice Foggy Bottom
Technology Tools that Enhance Collaboration: Solutions from Climate Change Education Initiatives (Recording of session) Dupont
Evaluation Workshop: The Case for Project Evaluation City Center
Discovery Workshop Mt. Vernon
3:30 - 4:00 Break New Hamphsire Foyer
4:00 - 5:30 ESIP Cloud Computing Testbed Initiative Potomac
Energy: Dynamic Decision Tools Catalog and Community of Practice Foggy Bottom
Emerging Provenance and Context Content Standard Dupont
Evaluation Workshop: The Case for Project Evaluation City Center
Linking Earth Sciences and GEOSS: The role of the GEOSS User Requirement Registry (URR) Mt. Vernon

2:00-3:30 Breakout Sessions

NASA Cloud Computing Panel

Session Lead(s): Huang, Little

Description: This session is to discuss the current status of NASA cloud computing activities: 1) Mike Little will introduce the SMD strategy for adopting cloud computing and a cloud computing test initiative, 2) JPL Earth science program office will introduce their current cloud activity and strategy, 3) Ames Nebula Team (Keith) will introduce the current Nebula cloud environment and activities. Each topic will be 15 minutes, Q&A, and discussions will be following the presentations. ESIP Collaboration Areas: Cloud
Expertise Level: Journeyman
Topic tags: Tech, DL, SB, Org

Energy: Dynamic Decision Tools Catalog and Community of Practice*

Session Lead(s): Eckman, Kumar

Description: For full description see Wednesday Breakout, 2-3:30.
Next Steps and Technology Solutions

  • ESIP Semantic Web Cluster Activities and Relevance to the ESIP Energy and Climate Cluster, Peter Fox (RPI), ESIP Semantic Web Cluster Chair
    • This presentation will introduce semantic web methods, technologies and applications in general as well as those of specific interest to ESIP as a whole and specific committees, working groups and clusters. We will then proceed to a discussion of relevant activities of interest to the ESIP Energy and Climate Cluster as well as opportunities for future collaboration between the clusters.
  • OGC standards and Architecture Scenarios, Karl Benedict, UNM

ESIP Collaboration Areas: Energy & Clim.
Expertise Level: Beginner
Topic tags: SB, Tech

Technology Tools that Enhance Collaboration: Solutions from Climate Change Education Initiatives*

Session Lead(s): Mooney, Dahlman, Ledley, Reid

Description: This session will feature technology tools that enable collaboration without travel (and minimum carbon) as presented by ESIP members who use these tools in Climate Change Education initiatives. Demonstrations will be accompanied by a discussion of associated best practices. Below is a list of most of the tools that we'll feature:

  • join.me - instantly share your screen with others (for free!)
  • Google Sites - collaborate over the same document
  • Google Forms - use a survey to identify group priorities
  • Webinars - teach a seminar and interact remotely with multiple participants
  • EET - give educators an introduction to analyzing your data
  • Mobile Apps - share data anywhere with anyone
  • Drupal - icommons, online workspaces and more
  • ESIP Teacher Wiki - staying connected remotely

ESIP Collaboration Areas: CCEWG, Edu, Prof. Dev., Drupal
Expertise Level: Beginner
Topic tags: Org, Tech

Evaluation Workshop: The Case for Project Evaluation

Session Lead(s): Prados, Burke, Ferguson

Description: Continuing with the theme from the 2011 Winter meeting related to evaluation, this hands-on workshop will focus on 1) why one evaluates data and their associated enabling technologies for discovery and distribution and 2) some basic methods for getting started with evaluating the impact of your own research or products. On day one we'll start with a short overview of some examples of evaluation and assessment projects, then move into a discussion of some basic methods for understanding two critical elements of evaluation: who are your main stakeholders and how you can interact with them so that you can understand better how your work is being used and what impact it's having. Workshop sponsored by the Decisions Cluster and conducted by Brian Burke, CTG at SUNY Albany and Dan Ferguson, University of Arizona. ESIP Collaboration Areas: Decisions
Expertise Level: Beginner
Topic tags: Org

Discovery Workshop

Session Lead(s): Hua, Lynnes

Description: The set of ESIP Discovery services encompass the overlapping conventions of Earth science federated OpenSearch, Collection Casting, Granule Casting, and Service Casting feed standards. This workshop will show some demonstrations of how Discovery services can be practically applied to facilitate collaborations by enabling sharing of services and data.

This session will focus on the top two voted topics: A. Interoperability for OGC services (45-min)
B. Interoperability for OpenSearch in various types of casting (45-min)

ESIP Collaboration Areas: Disc.
Expertise Level: Apprentice
Topic tags: Tech

4:00-5:30 Breakout Sessions

ESIP Cloud Computing Testbed Initiative

Session Lead(s): Martin, Yang

Description: A progress report and discussion about what is needed to support a cloud computing testbed for producing lessons learned and best practice for ESIP members to assess, test, and adopt cloud platforms for their research, development, and education: 1) discuss the matrix of requirements for cloud computing by ESIP members, 2) identify the possibility of cloud resources (Amazon, Microsoft, Nebula, Private Cloud), 3) identify potential applications to be running on potential cloud resources, 4) an execution plan for the testbed with a target of presenting in the summer meeting.

  • Earth Science Cloud Computing Requirements
  • Testbed Initiative Introduction
  • Testbed Ideas
    • Commercial Cloud Environment
    • Government Cloud Environment
    • ESIP Cloud Environment
  • Testbed Coordination

ESIP Collaboration Areas: Cloud, Prod & Services
Expertise Level: Apprentice
Topic tags: Tech

Energy: Dynamic Decision Tools Catalog and Community of Practice

Session Lead(s): Eckman, Kumar

Description: For full description see Wednesday Breakout, 2-3:30. Next Steps and Technology Solutions

  • Systems Architecture and Implementation , Stefan Falke, NGC
  • Drupal-based Implementation – Rahul Ramachandran, UAH

ESIP Collaboration Areas: Energy & Clim.
Expertise Level: Beginner
Topic tags: SB, Tech

Emerging Provenance and Context Content Standard

Session Lead(s): Ramapriyan

Description: Provide a status update on the emerging Provenance and Context Content Standard (PCCS). Discuss details of use cases developed during the summer 2011 meeting and map them to the PCCS matrix. Discuss next steps. ESIP Collaboration Areas: Data Pres.
Expertise Level: Apprentice
Topic tags: DL

Evaluation Workshop: The Case for Project Evaluation

Room: CITY CENTER Session Lead(s): Prados

Description: Continued from 2-3:30 Session. ESIP Collaboration Areas: Decisions
Expertise Level: Beginner
Topic tags: Org

Linking Earth Sciences and GEOSS: The role of the GEOSS User Requirement Registry (URR)

Session Lead(s): Foley, Plag

Description: The User Requirement Registry (URR) of the Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS) is being developed as a versatile tool for the publishing of information on User Types, Applications, Observational and Information Requirements, Research Needs, Infrastructure Needs, Technology Needs, and Capacity Building Needs. Links can be described between any of the entries in these tables, in order to capture the inter-dependencies along the value chains from observations through value-adding applications down to the end users. A prototype of the URR was implemented in 2010 and further improved in 2011. In 2012, the finalization of the URR and the integration in the GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI) is planned.

The workshop will introduce the current URR and discuss the role of Earth scientists in the population of the URR with science and research related information. The plan for the final URR will be presented and a discussion will provide ample opportunity for participants to provide feedback on the URR plans. In particular, the URR should provide a communication tool for a dialog between ESIP and the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) concerning Earth science's observational needs and contributions to Earth observations.

The workshop "Building a User-Driven GEOSS: Methods to Capture, Analyze, and Prioritize User Needs," held on April 10, 2010 in Sydney, Australia, developed a number of recommendations (see http://www.geo-tasks.org/workshops/2011_Sydney/ws_report.php), and those recommendations relevant for ESIP will be discussed. We will present three examples in more details. The case of air quality monitoring and predicting will be used to illustrate the complexity of user types, applications, and requirements associated with this interdisciplinary field. The cases of disaster risk reduction highlight the relevance of research and infrastructure needs necessary to enable applications in this area. Integrated coastal zone management will be used to demonstrate a top-down analysis of the various needs in a field.

ESIP Collaboration Areas: GEO
Expertise Level: Beginner
Topic tags: Tech, SB, DL, Org