Interagency Data Stewardship/LifeCycle/Preservation Forum/TeleconNotes/2013-07-18

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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Revision as of 11:46, July 22, 2013 by Denise (talk | contribs)
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Webex Instructions

(note: if you don't see a meeting list, click on the "Meeting Center" tab)
* Click join next to the meeting name. (Note: If the meeting has not yet started, join will not be visible, and it will say 'Display Info'. Wait a minute and refresh screen)
* Enter your name and email address
* If you are asked for a password, enter the access code: datapres

To join the audio portion of the Conference meeting with the phone:

* Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): 1-877-668-4493<tel:1-877-668-4493>
* Attendee access code: 925 047 173#

Links to Notes

Webex Notes, including draft of Townhall proposal:
WORKING DRAFT of Article/Outline:


  1. Define/explain purpose/goals of AGU Townhall
  2. ID Sections/Focus Groups/Others for co-sponsorship
  3. ID potential panelists
  4. Review Abstract