Education/Telecon 2015-04-24

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ESIP telcon April 24th

Attendees: LuAnn Dahlman, Tamara Ledley, Annette Schloss, Preston Lewis, Bob Downs, Dan Zallas, Jim Acker, Shelley Olds, Margaret Mooney, Kyle Nelson & Dan Keyes


LuAnn briefed the group on

ExCom strategic planning efforts and finding a complementary fit, possibly by addressing the need for education expertise in data curation efforts

2015 ESIP Education Budget which has been streamlined to support a summer workshop and a SACNAS student

Discussion ensued about in-reach to ESIP members needing education expertise, Tamara mentioned the data sheets in Earth Exploration toolkit, & Dan Z. brought up DICE. It seemed clear that we could fill this niche, but "how" was not resolved.

Discussion then went to the summer workshop and nearly everyone on the call expressed interest in presenting so we should have a great workshop! Our target audience will be high school science teachers and community college STEM educators. The workshop days will likely be Wednesday and Thursday (7/15 & 7/16) with a goal of having educators stay for the poster session (and stay overnight after-wards). We will not plan for educators to attend the ESIP plenary talks.

Margaret will send a call for presenters to ESIP Education list serve to compile session descriptions. A draft of the workshop agenda will be completed by the next telcon with details hammered out by LuAnn Dahlman, Margaret Mooney, Preston Lewis & Becky Reid.

ESIP education telcons will be the 4th Friday of the month at 1pm ET (ideally 30 minutes) making our next telcon on May 22nd.