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Out 2 Lunch webinar series - 10 minute demos of Earth Science data tools & resources

(+ up to 5 mins Q&A)
Register for the webinars at the form here.
View past webinars at the ESIP Education Committee YouTube playlist here.
Do you have an Earth Science tool or resource to share with educators? Sign up to present at an Out2Lunch Webinar here.

Spring 2024 : (Wednesdays at noon Central Time)

Spring 2022 : (Wednesdays at noon Central Time)

February 9 - Discovering Historical Tsunami Data Through Time-Lapse Animation - Trinity Foreman, Communications and Outreach Branch, Communications Consultant Innovative Consulting & Management Services, LLC, Government Contractor, NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

NOAA NCEI has recently released a new online tool for visualizing the progression of over 1700 tsunami events from 1850 to present. The tool provides easy access to data on historic tsunami sources, tsunami wave heights, and socio-economic impacts (i.e. death, property damages). (

YouTube recording

February 2 - Countdown to Launch - student engagement around the GOES-T weather satellite - Margaret Mooney, NOAA CIMSS

NOAA is set to launch our next weather satellite on March 1st. Tune in for a few STEM ideas to engage students in this exciting event! (

Download the Presentation Slides as a PowerPoint with Clickable Links:
YouTube recording

Summer 2021 : (Wednesdays at noon Central Time)

June 30 - Analyze data you collect in the field using the free NASA GLOBE Observer mobile app - Rusty Low, Senior Scientist, IGES; NASA GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper, Science Lead

Learn to collect Earth system data locally using the GLOBE Observer app and download your data for use in analysis. This webinar shows you how! (

YouTube recording

Spring 2021 : (Wednesdays at noon Central Time)

April 7 - What’s New with CLEAN? Resources to Support Teaching About Climate and Energy - Katie Boyd, CLEAN Program Manager

New updates to the Climate Literacy Energy Awareness (CLEAN) website include teaching resources around the National Climate Assessment, culturally relevant climate literacy resources from the NASA-funded, “Living Landscapes” project and Spanish translations for Teaching Guidance on Climate & Energy pages. CLEAN also offers professional development webinars ( The CLEAN collection ( contains over 700 reviewed educational resources.

YouTube recording

Winter 2021 : (Wednesdays at noon Central Time)

February 17 - The USGS Find-A-Feature Photo Challenge - Annie Scott, USGS's Youth and Education in Science Program

The USGS Find-A-Feature Photo Challenge ( provides an opportunity for students, teachers, and the public at large to have their photo published online. Have you ever seen a strand of yarn on the floor that looks like the meanders of a river, or perhaps a stack of books that reminds you of rock layers? The USGS Find-A-Feature Photo Challenge is all about analogies and we challenge you to find everyday objects in your home or neighborhood that remind you of a natural feature on Earth. How do these features form? What can we learn about these features, even if we don't live near examples of them? Science is everywhere - take a look around and show us what you see!

YouTube recording

February 3 - A Nationwide Virtual Science Fair to Encourage Student Use of Satellite Data - Margaret Mooney, NOAA's Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS)

Students from grades 6-14 apply data from our nation's newest weather satellites to investigate weather and natural hazards. With the launch of the GOES-T weather satellite scheduled for December 2021 this is a very exciting year to engage students to participate in the Virtual Science Fair (! Students from the winning teams will receive $25 gift cards AND official GOES-T launch viewing invitations to KSC (but no travel support) currently scheduled for December 2021.

YouTube recording

Fall 2020 : (Wednesdays at noon Central Time)

December 16 - Explore the Digital Atlas of Ancient Life - Jonathan Robert Hendricks, Paleontological Research Institution (PRI)

The Digital Atlas of Ancient Life ( provides free materials to identify fossils and learn about ancient life, including regional field guides, a digital encyclopedia, virtual collections of interactive 3-D models, virtual exhibits, and teaching resources.

YouTube recording

December 9 - Explore Earth@Home - Don Haas, Paleontological Research Institution (PRI)

Earth@Home ( provides interactive content about Earth and its life, with a focus on geology, paleontology, climate, and the connections of Earth’s different systems. Major components include 1) “Here on Earth" regional guides to Earth science that encourage folks to learn about their local geology and natural environment right outside their backdoor, 2) Digital Encyclopedias, such as Earth Science and Ancient Life, and 3) virtual science resources including those for fieldwork, labs, and collections.

Download the Presentation Slides as a PowerPoint with Clickable Links:
YouTube recording

December 2 - Using a Computer Model to Explore the Spread of Wildfires - Chris Lore, The Concord Consortium

The GeoHazard project ( is focused on developing learning materials exploring natural hazards as well as their predictability, impacts, and risks. The Wildfire Explorer model ( merges calculations of wildfire spread with visualizations of fire expanding over landscapes similar to those in the Midwest and western United States. Students can experiment with five variables in the model to understand the effect of wildfire spread: 1) terrain, 2) drought levels, 3) vegetation type, 4) wind speed, and 5) wind direction.

Download the Presentation Slides as a PowerPoint with Clickable Links:
YouTube recording

November 18 - Wrangling Uncertainty with the Hurricane Explorer - Chris Lore, The Concord Consortium

The GeoHazard project ( is focused on developing learning materials exploring natural hazards as well as their predictability, impacts, and risks. GeoHazard developed a five-activity curriculum module ( to help students wrangle with the uncertainty in hurricane forecasts. Students now have the ability to run hurricane scenarios with Concord Consortium’s Hurricane Explorer model ( Students use the model to learn about the factors that influence the track of a hurricane and the ways in which a hurricane has the potential to impact those in its path. tectonic plates on a sphere, choose the boundary types, and explore what happens as a dynamic plate tectonic model runs then investigate a data visualization tool to observe earthquake and volcanic eruption patterns along plate boundaries.

Download the Presentation Slides as a PowerPoint with Clickable Links:
YouTube recording

Spring 2019 : (Wednesdays at noon Central Time)

April 3 - GEODE Plate Tectonics Visualization Tools - Amy Pallant, The Concord Consortium

Make your own tectonic plates on a sphere, choose the boundary types, and explore what happens as a dynamic plate tectonic model runs then investigate a data visualization tool to observe earthquake and volcanic eruption patterns along plate boundaries.

YouTube recording

March 27 - Weather and Climate Web Apps - Tom Whittaker, Researcher-Emeritus, CIMSS, SSEC

Highly interactive HTML5 teaching and training activities that allow users to explore physical processes such as tornadoes, air density effects on baseballs, past climates, rainbows, snowflake crystals (and more!) all on a computer screen.

YouTube recording

March 20 - Science Pickle - John Pickle, Retired science & math teacher, Founder: Science Pickle

Explore Earth Systems activities available at Science Pickle: reading, inexpensive experiments, data analysis, challenges, software, games, and self-graded assessments.

YouTube recording

March 13 - SuAVE - Ilya Zaslavsky, Spatial Information Systems Lab, UC San Diego

SuAVE (Survey Analysis via Visual Exploration) is a free open source online platform for visual analysis of surveys and image collections, which integrates with Jupyter notebooks for machine learning, image processing and other operations and has been used in several domains and in classroom teaching.

YouTube recording

Fall 2018 : (Wednesdays at noon Central Time)

December 11 - GOES 16/17 Virtual Science Fair - Margaret Mooney, CIMSS & Vicky Gorman, Medford Memorial Middle School -

Overview of the 2019 GOES-16/17 Virtual Science Fair.
YouTube Recording

November 28 - Earth Science Computer Simulations - Randy Russell, UCAR Center for Science Education -

Demonstrations of The Very, Very Simple Climate Model; Virtual Ballooning to Explore the Atmosphere; Tree Ring Simulation; and Earth's Energy Balance.
YouTube Recording

November 14 - GPS-STEM - Peg Steffen, retired NOAA -

Real-world applications of STEM concepts inspired by GPS.
YouTube Recording

November 7 - My NASA Data 2.0 - Elizabeth Joyner, NASA Langley -

Learn about recent changes to this resource ( to better connect teachers and students with NASA Earth data.
YouTube Recording

Spring 2018 : (Wednesdays at noon Central Time)

May 23 - Computing in the Classroom - Coding, Gadgets & STEM - Becky Reid & Kalo Haslem, ESIP Education

A preview of the 2018 ESIP Educators Workshop.
YouTube Recording

May 9 - SIFT - Scott Lindstrom, SSEC

Satellite Information Familiarization Tool. More at

YouTube Recording

April 25 - ImageJ - Carla McAuliffe, TERC, NESTA Executive Director

Image processing and Analysis in Java. More at

YouTube Recording

April 11 - Story Maps - LuAnn Dahlman, NOAA CPO

Learn how to combine text, images, and always-up-to-date web maps to tell a story. See examples at Esri Story Maps

YouTube Recording

Autumn 2017 : (Wednesdays at noon Central Time)

October 18 - Examining Drought with Interactive Mapping Tools - Joseph Kerski, ESRI

Examine drought over space and time with interactive web mapping tools for STEM, geography, and all Earth science topics. Participants will learn how to use the drought tracker tool and discover how to tap into other ESRI web mapping resources.

YouTube Recording

November 1 - When it rains, it pours - Dorian Janney, NASA GPM

Accessing GPM precipitation data using data visualization tools such as IMERG, Global Viewer, and NASA Worldview.

YouTube Recording -

November 15 - Accessing GOES-16 Data via RealEarth - Russ Dengel, SSEC

Explore next-generation imagery available at

YouTube Recording -

November 29 - Application for Extracting and Exploring Analysis Ready Samples (AppEEARS) - Danielle Golon, EROS/USGS

An easy to use subsetting tool for remote sensing data.

YouTube Recording

December 13 - Where are you? Tracking and Sharing Biological Monitoring Locations- Rebecca Scully, PNAMP/USGS

Tracking and sharing biological monitoring locations, with a demonstration of the Monitoring Explorer Map tool.

YouTube Recording

SPRING 2017 : (Wednesdays at noon CST)

May 17th - Solar Eclipse 101 - Tools for Teaching & Watching the August Solar Eclipse safely, Pat Reiff, Rice University

Eclipse Web Page
YouTube Recording

May 3rd - NOAA View Global Data Explorer Tool, Dan Pisut, NOAA EVL
YouTube Recording

April 19th - GLOBE Cloud Observer, Sarah McCrea, NASA Langley
YouTube Recording

April 5th - EOSDIS Worldview, Ryan Boller, NASA GSFC
YouTube Recording

March 22nd - ClimateBits and NEO - Tools to explore Earth science concepts easily, Stephanie Schollaert Uz, NASA Goddard

ClimateBits - Minute-long videos compatible with Science on a Sphere that explain and visualize key concepts in climate science.
NEO - Browse and download imagery of satellite data from NASA's constellation of Earth Observing System satellites. Over 50 different global datasets are represented with daily, weekly, and monthly snapshots, and images are available in a variety of formats including JPEG, PNG, Google Earth, and GeoTIFF.
YouTube Recording

March 8th - NOAA's Climate Explorer - LuAnn Dahlman, NOAA CPO
YouTube Recording

Winter 2017 Presentations

UNAVCO GPS Velocity Viewer, Shelley Olds, UNAVCO
YouTube Recording

My NASA Data, Preston Lewis, SSAI

YouTube Recording

Using Recreational UAVs (Drones) for STEM Activities and Science Fair Projects, Shelley Olds, UNAVCO

UAV activities:
YouTube Recording