ESIP Partnership March Telecon (1:30PM EDT)

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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Back to Partnership -- The following applications have been posted for review by the Partnership Committee

Telecon: Monday March 20 1:30 - 2:30PM EDT
Call In Details:
Please join from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States +1 (646) 749-3131
Access Code: 168-308-485


  1. Membership application review
    • Time line: conduct follow-up as necessary for due date 31 March; Assembly review in April; vote in May; announcement at Summer Meeting. (Danie will confirm this timeline)
  2. Update on other actions for Partnership

Meeting Minutes / Other Notes

Present: Danie, Nancy, Bob, Annie B.

Review of Partnership Committee role for ESIP.

Membership applications review

Questions wrt applications:
Do we encourage one application for an entire organization (i.e., EPA) or do we encourage individual labs/divisions/departments to become members? There may be pros and cons to smaller divisional representation with respect to travel authorization to ESIP meetings, and competitive perspectives on voting representation.
  • How do we decide if a single voting rep is sufficiently representing the entire organization or a smaller subset? Entire organizational membership is a more welcoming situation for inclusiveness, however the broader organization membership may result in dilution of the benefits of ESIP participation to the individual department/division/lab.
  • Can we get clarification (from ESIP) on how these reps relate to the broader organization? Is there interest in seeing a voting rep:organizational size ratio determined? Or, Possibly edit current application text to include language to indicate that membership of a large organization implies inclusiveness to all organizational members (across departments/divisions/labs)?

Perhaps develop a survey for voting reps (targeting larger organizations) - any issues as a single voting rep of a large organization- such a survey could establish demographics and identify any issues related to voting representation. Danie will investigate with Erin, Bruce, etc.

NOTE: Problem reviewing applications- insufficient permissions, members could not view all applications.- Danie fixed, but members didn't have opportunity to review the applications. Push until next meeting with ongoing review of applications until then.

Other Topics

  • Meeting timing - can we meet on any other Monday of month? As it stands, this meeting overlaps DSC telecon - second Monday each month would work well (next Monday April 10 @10:30PT/1:30ET) - Danie will check with Viv on new timing and communicate decision to Annie who will change in the ESIP calendar.


  • All: Review apps, jot down any concerns, identify any incomplete applications,etc. Send notes to Danie who will post on Partnership wiki. Final review/discussion of concerns at next meeting.
  • Danie: Investigate partnership survey with Erin, Bruce, etc.
  • Danie will check with Viv on new meeting time and communicate to Annie.