DisasterResponse telecon 2016-07-07

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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Organizers: Karen Moe, Dave Jones, Sean Barberie


  • Presentation by Svetla Hristova-Veleva/JPL
  • Final preparations for the ESIP Fed Summer Meeting and the Disasters Lifecycle sessions on July 21 from 1-5:30 pm including
  • Summary of our cluster accomplishments for the past year
  • Call for Disasters Lifecycle cluster poster (to describe our current focus, goals, activities) due July 15
  • Speakers and discussion topics
  • Session 1 – highlights from the Cascadia Rising exercise in June including lessons learned about trusted data; progress on the GeoCollaborate Testbed including findings from participating with the All Hazards Consortium; discussion on next steps for the testbed, especially as it relates to our goal of defining/identifying trusted data for the disasters lifecycle decision makers.
  • Session 2 – invited guest speaker Dr Jim Morentz on experience with XchangeCore and SpotOnResponse in FEMA operations in California; discussion to evolve plans for our proposed Fall 2016 ESIP-sponsored workshop on "Data Driven Decision Making for Disasters, A Workshop for Operational Decision Making” (see Google docs).
  • Finally, I’ve attached the draft agenda for the NASA Near Real Time Portfolio workshop scheduled for Sep 27-29 at NASA Langley in Virginia. Although the NASA conference registration site is closed for anyone attending from NASA contracts or centers, the workshop is open and free for others to attend. If you are going, please let us know. It would be very useful for our cluster to be represented.

(Sent out by Karen Moe)

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Disaster Cluster Telecon Notes: July 7, 2016 In attendance: Sean Barberie, Karen Moe, Dave Jones, Erin Robinson, Casey Calamaio, Chandra Bales, CIESIN Columbia University, Cole Krehbiel, Diane Davies, Don Sullivan, Svetla Hristova-Veleva, Maggi Glasscoe, Michael McEniry, Tripp Corbett.

NASA Near Real Time Portfolio workshop

  • focused on low-latency datasets for time-sensitive applications
  • gap identification
  • Although registration has closed, there is some wiggle room to still register.

Presentation by Svetla Hristova-Veleva (slides to be uploaded?)

Appropriations for the Summer Meeting

  • Have not yet completed the Cluster Poster.
  • We have until the 15th to make this poster.
  • Sean will look into collaborative poster creation options

Data Driven Decision Making for Disasters workshop

  • How can this first workshop be a template for future workshops?
  • Aimed at the power industry.
  • Collaboratively hosted with Edison Electric
  • Can we make similar workshops for specific subjects? E.g. wildfire response, earthquake response, etc.

Recording of Telecon

To access this and previously saved telecon recordings, click here. Log in as guest@esipfed.org, password Earth111.