Air Quality Metadata Workshop Dublin 2012

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Metadata Crosswalk

Workshop on Air Quality and Atmospheric Composition Metadata, Dublin, 5-7 Sept. 2012

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Metadata templates

The topical and cross-thematic working groups on day 2 will be asked to work with specific metadata examples in order to review and compare existing standards and identify the problem areas. We will work from the list of templates given below:

Data Discovery:

Data description:

  • Template 5: OWS/WCS DescribeCoverage response example from GEO AQ CoP web server ( Word, XML)
  • Template 6: GEOMS metadata example from a NORS CH4 HDF file
  • Template 7 : ncdump output of a CF-1.5 compliant netcdf file with emissions data

See Background Material for further information about ISO, INSPIRE, and OGC standards.

Note: It is not recommended to use MS Word for editing XML files. The Word templates above use font coloring to help understanding the document structure.

Workshop Announcement

The GEO AQ CoP is a self-organized voluntary group that fosters the application of Earth observations to air quality management and science. Its participants and its main beneficiaries are members of national and international science teams, data portals and decision support activities. CoP activities include sharing tools and best practices and facilitation of standards-based networking of air quality data systems using GEOSS data sharing principles.

The collection, management and access to atmospheric composition and air quality data are undergoing rapid changes towards web-based, interoperable data services. Although significant efforts are presently dedicated to facilitate access to these type of information, severe limitations for linking information from different platforms, programs, data centers and research fields arise from inadequate definitions of metadata. In order to enhance the connectivity of the global network on air quality and atmospheric composition data, the community of researchers and practitioners needs to articulate their needs, identify the most relevant facets of metadata, and try to reach consensus on terminology and structure.

The next meeting of the GEO AQ CoP is organized together with the preoperational GMES Atmospheric Service (MACC-II) and links to the GISC activities under the European Environment Agency. It invites emissions experts, air quality modellers, satellite data users, in-situ observation experts to express their views on the description of air quality and atmospheric composition data and to help advance the standardisation of metadata in these fields. The GEO Air Quality CoP- MACC-II workshop in Dublin main goals are:

  1. to review the international metadata standards in terms of their applicability to air quality and atmospheric composition needs,
  2. to establish a community consensus on the metadata structure and terminology for air quality and atmospheric composition,
  3. to identify interconnections among different geographic and thematic areas from emissions to observations and model results on atmospheric composition, and
  4. to provide recommendations on possible ways to implement the consensus metadata structure and terminology.

The workshop will consist of plenary sessions and a full day of discussions in thematic and cross-cutting working groups. The facilities in Dublin can accommodate approximately 80 attendees.

Venue: Morrison hotel, Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland (web page).

Registration: registration page (until August 31st, or until limit of 80 participants is reached)

Registration fee: 60 Euros, to be paid in cash at the conference.

Further information: If you are interested to follow the discussions on this topic, please subscribe to the GEO AQ CoP mailing list, regardless of your ability to attend the workshop.