Air Quality Cluster Participants

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Back to: Air Quality Cluster

Cluster Leads

Ross Bagwell, NASA/CTS
Glynis Lough, Battelle
Tim Dye, STI

Federation Participants

Stan Morain,EDAC/Univ. of New Mexico
Rita Freuder,University of New Hampshire
Gregory Leptoukh,NASA GSFC
Lawrence Friedl,NASA HQ
Drew Pilant,EPA-ORD
Hung Pham,RITI
Patricia Reiff,Rice University
Dave Skole,Michigan State University
Vic Delnore,NASA Langley
John Pickle,Museum of Science
Rudy Husar,Washington University
Steve Kempler,NASA GSFC
Howard Burrows,AUSI
Michelle Ferefee ,NASA-LaRC
Vince Ambrosia,CA State Univ - Monterey Bay / NASA-Ames
Gary Foley,EPA-ORD
Dave Jones,Storm Center
Dick Wertz,ESIP
Stefan Falke,Washington University
Gary Walter,US EPA
Val Garcia,US EPA
Karl Benedict,EDAC/Univ. of New Mexico
Penny Oots,NASA Langley
Michael Goodman,NASA
Hank Wolf,GMU
Bill Hudspeth, EDAC/Univ. of New Mexico
Bart Sponseller, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Ted Haberman, NOAA-NGDC
Terry Keating, EPA
Sanjeeb Bhoi, GMU
Deborah Belvedere, Center for Research on Environment and Water
Clyde Brown, NASA/LaRC
Liping Di, George Mason University
Dennis Diones, SAIC/NASA ASDC Langley
Ben Domenico, Unidata/UCAR
Noha Gaber, US Environmental Protection Agency
Karen Moe, Goddard Space Flight Center
Margaret Mooney, CIMSS/SSEC
MJ Morse, Museum of Science
Mohan Ramamurthy, Unidata/UCAR
Raj Singh, Open Geospatial Consortium
Brian Wilson, Jet Propulsion Lab
Jingli Yang, ERT, Inc
John McHenry, NCSU/Baron Advanced Meteorological Systems
Steve Young, EPA
Frank Lindsay, NASA HQ
Heidi Paulsen, EPA
John Kozimor, NOAA
Meixa Deng, GMU
Carla McAuliffe, TERC
Ana Prados, UMBC/JCET

Education Cluster Rep

Rita Freuder

Portal Working Group Rep

Stefan Falke, interim

Major Communities of Interest

State Environmental Agencies
Regional Planning Organizations
US Forest Service

Issue Areas for Current Focus

Smoke from wildfires

Relevant Federation Products and Services

Task: identify Cluster sub-group to work with ESIP Products&Services Committee

Key User Groups Targeted in each Issue Area

Air quality researchers, modelers, and planners

Inaugural Pilot Projects or Use Cases

Interoperability with EPA Remote Sensing Information Gateway;
Connections with EPA AMI projects;
Ineraction with Bluesky smoke model;
Access of GSFC DAAC data;
Development of air pollution event search tool

Relevant Decision Support Tools


Current External Technical Collaborators

Val Garcia, Gary Walter, US EPA

Desired New Collaborators

Task for cluster prior to summer meeting

Planned EIE Portal Content

DataFed OGC Services (EPA, NASA, NOAA, & other datasets)

Educational Tools Available

Educational Tools Desired

Outside Participants Sought for 2006 Summer Meeting

EPA: Ed Washburn, Steve Young, Terry Keating
NOAA: Val Garcia
US Forest Service: Scott Goodrick

Principal Objectives for 2006 Summer Meeting

Progress of projects - focus on smoke project planning;
Outline air quality version of NASA 'Integrated System Solution' diagram, i.e. describe what we mean by 'air quality informatics' and where we all 'fit in' on the diagram
Identify cross-cluster activities with Public Health;
Identify IEI WG rep;

Potential Roles in USGEO

Task for cluster prior to summer meeting