Ross Bagwell (Rbagwell)
Ross Bagwell is trained as a geographical information systems specialist and business analyst. He currently works as a contractor for the NASA ESDIS project at the Goddard Space Flight Center as a Systems Engineer.
He has a wide-ranging background in GIS with the U.S. government and private industry. He worked for three years with the USGS doing water quality field work, GIS data collection, and technical report preparation. In the private industry, his experience includes working with database design, software development, cadastral mapping, GIS project management, IT operations, and telecommunications database and GIS analysis.
He is skilled in a variety of GIS tools. He has experience as a programmer, database analyst, database manager, GIS analyst, GIS manager, project manager, and IT contractor. He also has 25 years of military experience in nuclear security, communications, training, evaluation, and operations - and has deployed with the military in several operations a total of 5 times throughout his career.
He speaks Spanish fluently and has a working knowledge of Polish. He is a U.S. citizen.