Air Quality/GEOSS Air Quality
Purpose of the wiki on Discussions of Air Qualitiy issues in the frame work of GEOSS
This wiki is intended to be the collaborative workspace for discussion in the framework of GEOSS interested in the Air Quality (AQ) issues. The contents can be freely edited by anyone who is logged in. Comments and feedback regarding the wiki page or its content can also be sent by email to
At the GEOSS User Interface Committee (UIC) meeting in Geneva, 2007 April 2-3, a group of people involved in air quality issues came together and was discussed how to advance air quality applications internationally in the framework of GEO/GEOSS.
It is planned to identify a specific Air Quality project that we as a 'community of practise' can do, and possibly show at the November 2007 GEO Ministerial Meeting in Cape Town.
Current members of ad-hoc group on AQ discussion in the framework of GEOSS
- Ami Budge ?
- Markus Erhard
- Lawrence Friedl
- Gary Foley
- Henni Kelder
- Brendan Kelly
- Manfred Kloeppel
- Stan Morain
- Christiane Textor
Invitation to NASA is holding an Air Quality team meeting in mid-June in Washington DC by Lawrence Friedl
Hello, all --
I enjoyed meeting you at the GEO UIC meeting earlier this month in Geneva. It seemed that there were several activities that our respective programs share. We had talked briefly about an idea on Air Quality related to the Ministerial Summit. I want to follow-up and inquire about the continued interest in such an activity.
In addition, I want to let you know that NASA is holding an Air Quality team meeting in mid-June. We plan to gather all the Principal Investigators on projects that are linking Earth Observations to Air Quality decision making (forecasting, planning, compliance, emissions inventories, etc.). The meeting is a key chance for NASA to assess its Air Quality program and discuss future directions for the program, including chances to identify synergies and opportunities to cooperate with other organizations.
We always invite people from other organizations to attend, listen to the projects' activities, and participate in the discussions. Given the rich discussions at the GEO UIC meeting on Air Quality, I'd like to invite you all to participate, and we can identify opportunities to advance air quality applications internationally in the spirit of GEO/GEOSS. This meeting may be a great opportunity to identify a specific Air Quality project that we and the GEO UIC can do.
We're looking at the week of June 18th in the Washington DC area. We hope to confirm the exact dates early this week. I will let you know as soon as possible.
Best regards, Lawrence
Lawrence Friedl NASA Applied Sciences Program 202-358-1599 phone Earth Science Division 202-358-3098 fax Science Mission Directorate NASA Headquarters Washington, DC 20546
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