AIP-AQ Kickoff Workshop
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Agenda and notes from the Health:AQ session during the AIP Kick-off Workshop in Boulder, CO Sept 25-26, 2008.
AIP2 Workshop
AIP AQ Societal Benefit Area Overview
Short presentations by participants
- Discussion Points:
- participant objectives and envisioned role in AIP-2
- services, data, components and other inputs
- participant's expectation/desired outcome of AIP-2
- Presentations
Defining AQ SBA objectives for AIP-2
- Interfacing with GEOSS Common Infrastructure
- AQ Community Components
Next steps and plan
- Approach to communication, coordination and collaboration
- Workspace has been created
- Will establish email list
- Will find a time for a telecon
Topics for which time was insufficient and that will be discussed via workspace, email, telecon
- Scenario(s)
- Coordination with UIC
- Coordination with CEOS WGISS Atmos. Comp. Interest Group
- review AIP-2 Master Schedule
- identify session specific milestones
- What is missing and still needed: service and data gaps